It means to warn people not to engage in water trading or do extreme things when they are poor, and not to enjoy squandering or doing arrogant things when they are rich. This sentence is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. If you use this sentence as a wise saying throughout your life, you will be safe and sound throughout your life.
In ancient times, my country was an agricultural society, and the country generally paid more attention to the development of agriculture. Generally, people doing business are not protected by the state, and it is very difficult to do business on the water. The transportation can take up to several months or even half a month at a time. If there are strong winds and waves, not only will the goods be lost, but the life may also be lost. No guarantee. Not only is the sea breeze dangerous, but there are also bandits who make a living by robbing, and they also covet merchants' property. Some ruthless bandits may kill people. Another thing is that poor people should not do extreme things to make money. They should make money step by step in a down-to-earth manner. They should not be greedy in anything.
Wealth does not involve prostitution. People who are rich throughout their lives should not squander their wealth and avoid arrogance and impetuosity. To be a person of good moral character, don't have too many desires. Because rich people can do whatever they want by spending money. Therefore, he believes that if anything is too easy to achieve, it will breed higher desires. Some people will even do anything to realize their desires. Therefore, no matter how rich you are, you must restrain yourself, be rich and powerful without being lascivious, and be powerful without being subdued. Only then can you go further, and wealth will follow you throughout your life.
These are wise sayings, gained from the accumulated life experiences of ancient people. As long as you remember that poor people will slowly get richer, their lives will get better and better, and they will become happier and happier. Rich people will also take care of their wealth in an orderly manner and will not worry about wealth throughout their lives. Moreover, if this sentence is used as a family motto to warn future generations, I think the saying that one cannot be rich for more than three generations will be broken.