Ma Yun said: We give people fish, not mermaids. Bill Gates famously said: Life is unfair, get used to it. Niu Gensheng said: You may not win with confidence, but you will lose without confidence. Since you believe in yourself, you should go all out. Politicians say that Zhou Enlai once famously said: Fear of making mistakes will ruin progress! Cover up the truth of evasion. Putin said: What people should obey first is not the opinions of others, but their own conscience. Liu Shao's wife said: aim high and climb the peak bravely. Newton, a famous scientist, famously said: If I see farther than Descartes, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants. Einstein has a famous saying: whoever has a really reckless attitude is this little thing and is not trusted in the incident. Beethoven, a famous artist, said: Famous artists are long-standing anti-restrainers, so they are often the earliest and have the best effect. Nietzsche's famous saying: all feelings produce trust, all peace of mind, all evidence and facts. The famous writer Lu Xun said: 1, time is like a sponge absorbing water. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always something. 2, time is life, there is no reason to waste other people's time, in fact, it is tantamount to murder. If we lose it now, there is no future. Shakespeare famously said that a man's life is short, but if he is despicable in this short life, it is really too long. 2. There are nutritious books in the world, and there are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine on the earth.
A thoughtful person is really a person with infinite strength.
-Who can have three Balzac?
A kind heart, a natural heart, this book comes from the heart, and life comes from the heart.
Think about it-the freedom of the elves.
Without freedom of thought, there is no science and truth.
Under the guidance of accepted wisdom, the wisdom guided by ordinary people's experience; Follow your instincts about the beast.
The most rare courage, the courage to think.
-Our life, France.
The purpose is the same as that of the tour guide; Without a guide, everything will stop. The goal will lose its strength and disappear.
The idea is that people will like its features.
Kill the heart, who is the biggest murderer.
Are these all right? No, not once.
Excluding the author, the road of thorns, like a work of art, is a good thing, and ordinary people are discouraged, except those with strong will. Hugo, like this.
The road is trodden by people, and the history is written by people. People's actions are writing every step of their history.
Conquering the world is not great. A man who can conquer himself is the greatest man in the world.
Good times make our energy idle and useless, so we can't feel our own strength, but it prevents them from waking up and using it effectively.
In order to achieve this goal, it is sometimes a wise performance to temporarily spread the ideal on the road.