Zengzi Yizi
Pre-Qin · Anonymous
Zengzi suffered from sleep illness and illness. Yue Zhengzichun sat under the bed, Zeng Yuan and Zeng Shen sat at the feet, and Tongzi Yu sat holding a candle. The boy said: "The flowers are beautiful and beautiful, what is the doctor's bamboo basket?" Zichun said: "Stop!" When Zengzi heard it, Qu Ran said: "Huh!" He said: "The flowers are beautiful and beautiful, what is the doctor's bamboo basket?" Zengzi said: "Of course. This is a gift from Ji and Sun, but I can't change it. Yuan, I will change it." Zeng Yuan said: "Master's illness has been cured and cannot be changed. Fortunately, as for Yu Dan, please respect him." Zengzi said: "You don't love me as much as he does. A gentleman loves others with virtue, and a petty person loves others with tolerance. What else do I ask for? I'll kill you if I get the right one." It was easy to help him. But the table was not settled and disappeared.
Zengzi was lying in bed, critically ill. Zengzi's disciple Zichun sat beside the bed, Zeng Yuan and Zeng Shen sat at the foot of the bed, and a servant boy sat in the corner holding a candle. The boy servant said: "It is gorgeous and smooth, (that is) a bamboo mat (only a doctor can enjoy it)!" Zichun said: "Shut up!" When Zengzi heard this, he said in horror: "Ah!" (The boy servant again) Said: "It is gorgeous and smooth, (that is) a bamboo mat (only a doctor can enjoy it)!" Zengzi said: "Yes. It was given by Ji Sun, but I don't have it. (Zeng) Yuan, (help me) get up Change the bamboo mat." Zeng Yuan said: "You are very ill and cannot move (your body). If you are lucky enough to come in the morning, I will change it according to your wishes." Zeng Zi said: "You love it. I am not as good as him (child servant). I love others according to moral standards, and I love others without principles. What else can I ask for? It is enough if I can die in the right way (feudal ethics)." (Zeng Yuan) ) helped lift (his body) and then replaced the bamboo mat and returned him to the mat. He died before he could lie down.