Formally, the western suzerain and vassal state have mutual obligations, but the vassal state has no obligation to the suzerain of the suzerain, and the suzerain has no right to dominate the vassal state. Under the system of leader-king-Lord-jazz in western Europe, the Lord's jazz will not be loyal to the king, so there is a famous saying that "ministers are not ministers." According to the enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou was the supreme ruler of the country, a vassal and even the master of the world. Governors and their subjects are all subjects of Zhou Wang, and they must obey his orders. The so-called "all over the world, is it the land of kings?" Is leading the land king? "
Article 1: Motherly love famous saying: the first kiss in the world.
In children's oral mind, mother is the name of God. -Thackeray (author of Vanity