Revival sermon
Selfless heaven and earth, distinguish right from wrong; Do not bless for sacrifice, do not hurt for failure. Mortals have the right, the blessing and the poverty. These three are the cycle of fate, which goes on and on. Therefore, if you do good in one day, although the good news has not arrived, the disaster is far away; If you do evil in one day, you will be blessed in the distance, although the disaster has not yet arrived. People who do good, like the grass in the spring garden, give it every day without seeing its length; People who do evil are like grindstones. If they can't see the damage, they will lose money every day. Harm others and benefit yourself, you should quit!
Heaven and earth are selfless; God knows people's blessings, but he won't bless them because of their sacrifices. This will not be a temporary faux pas.
Ordinary people are powerful and inexhaustible; Blessing is not for enjoyment; Don't bully the poor. Because these three things are lucky. The cycle of sharing weal and woe will come in turn.
So, if you are willing to do good, although the blessing has not obviously arrived, the curse has been far away in the dark. Cross-minded to create evil, although the disaster has not arrived for a while, the blessing has gradually drifted away.
People who do good deeds are like grass in the spring garden. Although it doesn't grow, it actually grows day by day. People who do evil are like grindstones. Every day, they can't see that they are losing money. In fact, they are losing money every day.
Therefore, never do anything that harms others and benefits others.
Emperor Wenchang said: always help others in need; The disaster of helping others; Compassionate orphans and widows; Forgive others' mistakes. If you do something virtuous, you can achieve great things. If everyone can be as considerate as I am, God will bless you.
He also said:' If we want to enlarge Futian, we must rely on our hearts. Always do all kinds of bad things in all kinds of convenient and ingenious ways. "
He also said: "Helping the poor is like Tongji helping the fish in a small ditch that is about to dry up. Saving a crisis is like releasing a bird in a dense net. "
He also said:' Good people are always close, which can help the virtue of body and mind. Keeping away from the wicked can prevent sudden disasters. "
He also said:' The recent report happened to me; Far away, it happened to children and grandchildren. "
If you try to gain glory through force and falsehood, glory will not last long. If you get rich in a despicable way, your descendants will suffer. If you can do good deeds and accumulate virtue, Fulu will come soon. Five desires are few, diet is dull, life expectancy is long, and health is good. Don't do shady things in the dark; Don't do anything that hurts heaven and earth. If you are upright, the gods will protect you, eliminate disasters and protect you endlessly. "