The sentence "persistence is victory" has given me a lot of inspiration. This is also my motto to encourage myself not to give up hope and stick to it.
Once, Zhou Jingning's grandmother was not at home and asked me to sleep with Zhou Jingning. When we played until 8 o'clock, we were hungry and wanted to eat hot food, but there was no one at Zhou Jingning's home. We came up with a bad idea: making poached eggs. Before we made them, we were in trouble: how to turn on the gas? I thought to myself, "The Tao is in people, and everything is in people." It's bound to succeed. I said confidently, "Nothing, try it. It will succeed. " However, things are not going well.
We just came to the kitchen. At the sight of the gas stove, I can't restrain my fear. Zhou Jingning's eyes also showed a look of fear. I guess she wouldn't dare either. I'm a little depressed, but the desire to give up halfway makes me hesitate. Suddenly, I remembered "persistence is victory". I suddenly realized that I dared to flip the switch. No, but the first step I took helped me overcome my fear. I tried again and again, but unfortunately the strength was too small, and all my previous efforts ended in failure. The dark clouds in my heart began to gather again.
At this time, Zhou Jing, who stood by, comforted me and said, "Bao Ruyi, you can do it." Yes, failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that I dare not insist. I will take failure as a step towards success and continue to succeed. I suddenly realized that self-confidence and persistence filled me with strength and succeeded! I skillfully began to beat eggs and pour oil until the oil was ready. I immediately poured the egg, chopped the onion, turned the egg over and added the onion. A plate of fragrant poached eggs will be ready in 3 minutes.
In life, failure is inevitable, and I can't give up because of a small failure. I should learn from my failure and stick to it. This is what "persistence is victory" taught me.