If the people lose confidence in the authorities, then the country will lose its way of survival. What famous aphorism?
People can't stand without faith [the original] comes from the Analects of Confucius, which was said by Confucius. Zi Gong asked about politics. Confucius said, "Food and soldiers are sufficient, and the people believe in it." Zi Gong said, "I have to go, which comes first?" He said, "Go and be a soldier." Zi Gong said, "I'm leaving. What is the first? " Say, "Go and eat. There has been death since ancient times, and the people have no faith. " Zi Gong asked how to govern political affairs. Confucius said: "With sufficient food and armaments, people will trust the government." Zi Gong said, "If you have to remove one item, which of these three items should you remove?" Confucius said, "Without armaments, we still have to eat." Zi Gong asked again, "If you had to remove one item, which of these two items would you remove?" Confucius said, "In addition to grain. Because since ancient times, no one can avoid death. There is no food, just hunger, but a country or a government will collapse if it cannot gain the trust of its citizens. " And the people are not affected, and the country will weaken day by day. The phrase "people can't be trusted" means that if people don't have enough trust in the country, then the country can't be established well.