Because whoever has a brand has the right to speak. Our factory in China produced so many shoes for Nike, and all the money was earned by Nike's hook. All he has to do is walk around with this hook and ask, "Who wants to hang this hook? Put this hook and you earn 10, and the rest is mine. Therefore, the main reason why our enterprises in China have struggled for so many years is that we have no brand awareness in all walks of life. "
What the network brings us is the reduction of economic cost, but the threshold of consciousness has never been lowered.
Woodruff, the former chairman of Coca-Cola, famously said, "If my factory burns down overnight, I can bring it back to life."
Indeed, even if the Coca-Cola factory was completely destroyed overnight, with the trademark of Coca-Cola, they could make a comeback the next day.
Promoting the integration of quality and effect is the correct way to open it.
In the era of rapid development of the Internet, there is no faster way to promote brands than online marketing. The so-called brand promotion is to let more people know about the brand's services, functions and uses of products, and what problems and values can be provided to consumers. So how to promote the brand in the era of network marketing?
Now the price is not the threshold, but whether there is brand awareness is the threshold. It is the correct way for small and medium-sized enterprises to realize their brand ideal to choose the promotion method combining products with effects. Establishing a brand can undoubtedly help customers improve the efficiency of product selection, promote the accumulation of corporate reputation, and be more conducive to competitors' position in the market.
Brand is only aimed at the specific stage of consumer groups, not the general public. This also requires companies to have a positive understanding of which online marketing channels can acquire consumers and users relatively accurately. And how the company should push product information to consumers who need products to let them know about the company and brand. So as to gradually improve the company's brand awareness, product awareness, trust, satisfaction and satisfaction in the hearts of consumers. So as to improve the brand awareness and product sales performance of enterprises in the whole industry. This is the value of brand building.