Father and son are related, monarch and minister are friends, husband and wife are different, young and old are orderly, and friends have letters. -Mencius
I believe that the reason why heaven and earth are endless, the reason why the country is founded, and the reason why the sages' virtue can last for a long time are sincere. The theft of Zeng Guofan's Congratulations to the Couple Geng Zhong _ in Qing Dynasty: Modesty refers to my personal opinion. I think the key to the continuous operation of heaven and earth, the establishment and consolidation of the country, and the development and persistence of the moral cause of outstanding people lies in sincerity. -Zeng Guofan
In the eyes of parents, children are often a part of themselves, and children are his ideal chance to start over. —— Fei Xiaotong
A good teacher is someone who understands psychology and pedagogy. -Suhomlinski.