Sentence interpretation:
English [p? tju:n? t? S] beauty [p? 'tju:n? t? s]
Opportunity (noun plural of opportunity); The right time; Conditions; Opportunities for employment (or promotion, progress, etc.). );
They also stressed the need to improve employment opportunities, transportation and medical care.
They also stressed the need to increase employment opportunities and improve transportation and health care services.
Prefer English [Fe? v? ] beauty [? fev? ]
Pleasure; Good feelings; Pets; Concern;
Support; Agree; Take care of; Contribute to;
You will think that you are helping me, not the other way around.
You should help me, not me.
Prepared English [prpe? Beautiful, beautiful
Prepare in advance; Willing; Desirable;
Prepare in advance; Willing; Desirably;
Verb (abbreviation of verb) prepare(prepare tense and past participle of prepare); To prepare (meals); Equipment; Prepare (oneself);
[Example] Are you going to take industrial action?
Are you willing to take industrial action?