Strive for self-improvement:
A gentleman strives for self-improvement; The explanation "Tian Xingjian" comes from the Book of Changes: "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman strives for self-improvement" (dry divination) and "the terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with virtue" (Kun divination). It means: the movement of heaven (that is, nature) is just strong and healthy, and accordingly, a gentleman should be resolute and determined, and be eager to be strong; The momentum of the earth is thick and smooth, and a gentleman should add virtue and accommodate everything. A gentleman should run like Tianyu, and be indomitable even if he is drifting from place to place; If you are a gentleman, the measurement of receiving objects should be like the earth, and nothing can't be carried.
this sentence is also Tsinghua University's school motto: strive for self-improvement and be virtuous.
In fact, this sentence is succinct, and "constantly striving for self-improvement" requires Tsinghua students to work hard, forge ahead and strive for first-class quality. As Liang Qichao said: "A gentleman's self-motivation is endless, and there must be no disadvantages of one violence and ten cold. Scholars are determined to be resolute, be brave, and not avoid difficulties and dangers."
"respecting morality and carrying things" requires Tsinghua students to have the spirit of unity and cooperation, strict self-discipline and selfless dedication. As Liang Qichao said: "A gentleman receives things, measures generosity, and the land of Judah is full of everything. I blame myself very much, but I blame others very lightly. The name is noble and graceful, and it looks like it, that is, it is warm. "
as an important connotation of China traditional culture, "striving for self-improvement, cherishing virtue and carrying things" embodies a sound personality, which combines two different characteristics of being vigorous and submissive, and marks the comprehensiveness of personality development.
"moral integrity" means educating people and benefiting things with profound moral integrity. Nowadays, it is mostly used to cultivate students with lofty morality and profound knowledge.
The hexagram from Zhouyi says: "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement; The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. " Heaven (that is, nature) is just strong and healthy, and accordingly, a gentleman should be resolute and determined, and be angry and eager to be strong; The momentum of the earth is thick and smooth, and a gentleman should add virtue and accommodate everything. In ancient China, people thought that heaven and earth were the largest, and it contained everything. The understanding of heaven and earth is: the sky is above and the earth is below; The sky is yang and the earth is yin; Heaven is gold and earth is earth; Strong in nature and soft in nature. It is believed that heaven and earth are combined and everything is born, and the four seasons are different. Without heaven and earth, there would be nothing. Heaven and earth are the universe, and the universe is heaven and earth. This is the simple materialistic view of the universe in ancient China, and it is also the view of the universe in China. Therefore, the dry divination in the gossip is the first, followed by Kun divination; Dry on the top, Kun is next; Dry in the north, Kun in the south; It's Gao Xingjian. It's thick and loaded. Then, the philosophy of life is further extended from the explanatory attributes of the two divinatory symbols (that is, heaven and earth), that is, life should be as tall, resolute and self-reliant as the sky, and as thick, broad and virtuous as the earth.
"goodness is like water" means "Laozi": "goodness is like water, and all things in water conservancy are indisputable." That is to say, the highest level of good deeds, like the nature of water, is favored by everything without striving for fame and fortune.
The words "kindness is like water" and "kindness is like carrying things" have the same meaning, so people often use these two words together.
The whole sentence is "Tian Xing Jian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement" (dry divination),
"The terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries things with virtue" (Kun divination).
"Tian Xingjian" comes from Zhouyi: "Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement" (dry divination), "The terrain is vast, and a gentleman carries things with virtue" (Kun divination). It means: the movement of heaven (that is, nature) is just strong and healthy, and accordingly, a gentleman should be resolute and determined, and be eager to be strong; The momentum of the earth is thick and smooth, and a gentleman should add virtue and accommodate everything. A gentleman should run like Tianyu, and be indomitable even if he is drifting from place to place; If you are a gentleman, the measurement of objects should be like the earth, and nothing can't bear it.