A gentleman embraces benevolence and righteousness and is not afraid of the tilt of heaven and earth. - Wang Jian Those who value themselves are unkind, those who love accumulation are unjust. Those who are respectful are rude, and those who are greedy for fame are unwise. - Lin Bu shines on people The only lamp is reason, and the only stick that guides life astray is conscience. - Heine In the minds of confident men and women, conscience is not a child's play. - Romain Rolland Praise people and people also praise them, then It is self-respect; destroying others and others destroying them is self-destruction. Self-respect is the thief of benevolence, and self-destruction is the thief of righteousness. - Yao Ying Today's conscience is the requirement of happiness. - Miki Qing Don't hand over wealth to benevolence and righteousness. To hand over wealth is benevolence and righteousness. - Liang Zhangju If a family is benevolent, a country will prosper; if a family makes concessions, a country will prosper. - Book of Rites·University Conscience makes people timid. If you want to be a thief, you are afraid of condemnation. . Want to abuse, slander but are afraid of scolding... Conscience is the thing that rebels in the heart and is most afraid of loneliness. - Shakespeare Benevolence and righteousness are friends, morality is the teacher. - Shi Xiangzai For the practice of morality, the best The audience is people's own conscience. - Cicerov, the benevolent man, already wants to establish, he establishes people, and already wants to reach, he reaches people. - Confucius There are some countries in the world that are more important, and that is the conscience of mankind. - Romain Roland practices righteousness and then the most benevolent people in the world can be the closest relatives in heaven. - Confucius A benevolent person does not change his integrity based on prosperity and decline, and a righteous person does not change his heart based on survival. - "Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi·He Yan Biography" A righteous man does not deceive. Heart, benevolent people do not harm lives.——Liu Xiang
Article 1: Famous sayings and aphorisms about ideals
A person without lofty ideals is like a machine tool without a moto