Praise to Zhang Yi:
Su Qin: Zhang Yi is a wise man in the world, and I am almost incomparable to him.
Jingchun: Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi are not honest men. When they are angry, the princes are afraid, and when they live in peace, the world is destroyed.
Mencius: How can he be a great man? Has his son not learned the etiquette? The husband’s crown is ordered by his father; the woman’s marriage is ordered by her mother. She goes to the gate where she is given away and warns her: ' When you go to your daughter's house, you must respect her and take precautions. You will not disobey the Master! "It is the way of a concubine to be obedient." To live in the broadest place in the world, to establish the right position in the world, to walk on the great road of the world; to achieve the will, and follow the people; if not to achieve the ambition, walk alone. Wealth and honor cannot lead to sexual immorality, poverty and lowliness cannot change, and power and authority cannot yield. This is called a true man.
Sima Guang: Yi and Su Qin both used vertical and horizontal skills to travel among the princes, and achieved wealth and honor, and the world was eager to imitate them... But Yi, Qin, and Yan were the most outstanding.
Su Shi: Mencius said: "I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring Qi." This is Qi, which resides in the ordinary and is blocked between heaven and earth. If they meet suddenly, the princes will lose their nobility, Jin and Chu will lose their wealth, Liang and Ping will lose their wisdom, Ben and Yu will lose their courage, and Yi and Qin will lose their argument.
Shao Yong: "Lian Po Bai Qi is good at using soldiers, Su Qin and Zhang Yi are good at maneuvering."
Sima Qian: There are many people in the Three Jin Dynasty who are quick to change things. I say that those who follow the Hengqin and strengthen the Qin are probably from the Three Jin Dynasty. People too. Zhang Yi's actions were even worse than those of Su Qin. However, those who hated Su Qin in the world would have died first, while Yi was able to uphold his shortcomings and support him and achieve his balance. After all, these two people are really in danger!