Confucius once said, "If you don't learn manners, you can't stand." It means "etiquette" is the foundation of a country and a person. If a person wants to achieve something, he must start from learning etiquette. Etiquette is not only the basic requirement of being a man, but also an important symbol to measure the degree of civilization of a country and a nation.
We should take learning the socialist concept of honor and disgrace as an important content to help us grow up, bravely practice the "eight shames and eight shames" and take the "eight shames and eight shames" as an important yardstick to stress civilization, understand etiquette and cultivate a new style. To be sensible, courteous and honest, we should start from talking about campus civilization etiquette, starting from being a pioneer of campus civilization, starting from now, starting from bit by bit, starting from an instant.
Politeness, understanding and happiness begin with observing the student code. Etiquette is the most basic embodiment of a person's moral quality and personality cultivation. The student code of conduct is a basic code of conduct that a student should have, and it is the first step for us to learn how to behave. As students, as a member of the whole campus, we should firmly establish the concept of honor and disgrace, abide by school rules, abide by school discipline, be patriotic and law-abiding, be honest and trustworthy, unite and be friendly, be diligent and self-reliant, respect people, tolerate people, understand people, and strive for civilization, embody campus etiquette in positive, healthy and civilized words and deeds, and implement campus civilization.