Mathematicians are fascinated by nature, and they are not obsessed with mathematics. -Noeles
No matter how abstract any branch of mathematics is, it will be applied to the real world one day. -Lobachevsky
Less, but better. -gauss
what delights me most in mathematics is what can be proved. -Bertrand Russell
Get wisdom, science can improve material life, but mathematics can give all the above. -Klein
What gives me the greatest happiness is not knowing knowledge, but learning constantly; Not what you already have, but what you constantly acquire; Not the height that has been reached, but the continuous climbing. -gauss
when mathematicians derive equations and formulas, they are as happy as seeing statues, beautiful scenery and listening to beautiful tunes. -Copnin
No subject can explain the harmony of nature more clearly than mathematics. -Carlos
The first is mathematics, the second is mathematics, and the third is mathematics. -roentgen
The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom. -Cornel