Aigong asked, "What is serving the people?" Confucius said to him: "If you make a mistake, the people will obey you;" If you put forward something wrong, the people will not accept it. "
Qi Jinggong asked Confucius how to govern the country, and Confucius said, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son.
Lutz asked Confucius, "To protect the family and govern the country, the son will come first?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!
Confucius said, "If you are honest, what does it matter if you go into politics?" ? Can't be right, like a right person? "
Confucius said, "If you know it, you can't keep it. If you get it, you lose it. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and disrespectful people will be disrespectful. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, Zhuang can reward it, and it is impolite. " (Wei Linggong)
Confucius said: "What matters is: people, food, mourning and sacrifice. Be lenient with others and win the hearts of the people. If you believe, you will be responsible to the people. If you are going to make meritorious deeds, say it. " (Yao Yue)
Confucius said, "Be a teacher first, forgive minors and cultivate talents." . (Luz)
Confucius said, "If you govern by doing nothing, will it be smooth?" ? What is a husband? Gong Ji faces south. "
Aigong asked, "What is serving the people?" Confucius said to him: "If you make a mistake, the people will obey you;" If you put forward something wrong, the people will not accept it. "
Lu Aigong asked, "What can be done to make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "promote and use upright people, so that they can be above those who bend, and the people will obey;" "People will not accept the idea of elevating the deviant to the upright."
Confucius said, "If you govern a big country, you can cook a little fresh."
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Qi Jinggong asked Confucius how to govern the country, and Confucius said, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son." (Yan Yuan) That is, to govern a country well, a monarch should be like a monarch, a minister should be like a minister, a father should be like a father, and a son should be like a son. Although this thought reflected Confucius' patriarchal ethics, under the historical conditions of feudal society, this ethical principle did play an important role in governing the country. In fact, in a class society, no matter what era you are in, you need to do your job well in your position. Otherwise, the country is not a country, the government is not a government, and society is in chaos. So why did Confucius emphasize the rule of human relations? Confucius made an explanation when answering Lutz's question. Lutz asked Confucius, "Do you have to learn first to defend the country and govern the country?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!" "If the name is incorrect, it will not work." Of course, Confucius also believed that attaching importance to morality is inseparable from comity. Confucius said, "What if comity is our country? Can't comity be the country, such as courtesy? "
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Confucius said, "If you are honest, what does it matter if you go into politics?" ? Can't be right, like a right person? "That is to say, to govern the country well, we must correct ourselves and be strict with ourselves. If you are right, there will be no difficulty in managing state affairs. If you are wrong, you can do whatever you want. If you can't correct others, the country can't govern. Confucius also
Take Shun as an example to illustrate the importance of the monarch being strict with himself. Confucius said, "If you govern by doing nothing, will it be smooth?" ? What is a husband? Gong Ji is in the south. "
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Confucius said, "If you know it, you can't keep it. If you get it, you lose it. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and disrespectful people will be disrespectful. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, Zhuang can reward it, and it is disrespectful. "
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Confucius said, "Be a teacher first, forgive minors and cultivate talents." .
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Once, Confucius went to defend the country, but Ran didn't drive him. Confucius said: the population of Weiguo is really large! You Ran said, "What's the point?" Say, "Rich." He said, "If you have money, why bother?" Say, "teach it." Here, Confucius emphasized that in order to govern a country with a large population like Weiguo, we must first make them rich, and then let them receive re-education and improve their quality. In addition, Confucius also paid special attention to the role of the legal system in governing the country. Yan Yuan once asked his teacher how to govern the country, and Confucius said, "Go, take advantage of Yin, be encouraged by Zhou, enjoy Shao and dance, and let him go far away. Zheng Sheng is a prostitute and she is very dangerous. " Learn from Goodall of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, take its essence and discard its dross. Here, Confucius not only emphasized the important role of the legal system in governing the country, but also his thinking method of serving the past for the present is worth learning.
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. Confucius said, "The country is a thousand times as big as it is, respecting things and believing, saving and loving others, and making the people timely."