A user "placed an order in Mongolia", who left an abusive comment under the video comment of Weibo posted by CEO Chen Ruifa in Bi Li, Bi Li. As for the content of the comments, it is really surprising. Later, the user of this "Mongolian Order" directly deleted it and added a title. So this user is called "warrior" by many users. Later, I took this "Mongolian Order" as the meaning of a soldier.
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In LoL (League of Legends), at the beginning of the game, Lulu's heroes are arranged in a single row on the map for better early development.
LoL map is divided into three roads (all three roads have towers) and wild areas (other areas outside the three main roads). Generally, every road is controlled by one person, and these two people are called Shang Dan and Zhong Dan.
Take the route as the main way to gain experience and economy, and adopt the methods of mending the sword to kill the enemy hero, fighting gank online, participating in team battles and so on. In order to achieve the online position of reducing opponents or increasing the income of the team. Fight in League of Legends and the glory of the king! Ping an Jing and so on. , the order is also called: top.