2, the heart is a gentleman, the heart is not a villain; Everyone knows how to guard against him, but the most difficult thing to measure is those who say Yao and Shun, share the same aspirations, swear mountains and seas and have traps in their hearts. This hypocritical hypocrite must be disloyal to the monarch and unfilial to his relatives; You must not be honest when making friends, and you must not be moral when treating subordinates. Such people are mean people!
Patriotism is not expressed by words, but implemented by actions. People who love the motherland will unite and help each other if they are not patriotic. If they don't do this, the country will be like a piece of sand. Everyone hates people who are selfish at the expense of others. To be patriotic, you must be honest and trustworthy, you must not break your word, you must always work for the interests of the people, and you must care about state affairs.
Heine once said: Life can't blossom brilliantly in lies. Doesn't this sentence correspond to this story? There is a saying in The Analects: People without faith don't know what they can do. This shows that if a person does not keep his word, it is impossible to be in a neutral position in society. You can only cheat people for a while, but not for a lifetime, and you can't do anything. It is better to do something honest. That is the code of conduct advocated by people, and it is a person with noble sentiments recognized by society.
5. If the will is not strong, the wisdom will inevitably be low; If you don't keep your word, you can't act boldly; People who have wealth but refuse to share it with others are not worthy of making friends; He is not firm in keeping the road, has little experience, and is unclear about right and wrong, so he is not worth making friends with.
6. People who can't associate with these ten kinds of people in life 1, always complain; 2. Over-dependent people; 3. Extremely sensitive people; 4. Aggressive people; 5. unscrupulous people; 6. Ungrateful people; 7. people who don't talk about credit; 8. selfish people; 9. People who don't know how to cherish feelings; 10, people who refuse to promise and don't let go.
1. If one day, I suddenly disappear, will you ask me like crazy and say, Baby, don't leave me?
2, the suffering of paranoia, ordinary people love themselves too much, will care about others everywhere, and doubt everything. They often doubt whether what others say is ironic. Will what others do be bad for themselves? Such people regard "personnel" as "right and wrong" and lead a miserable life.
3. Now it's 10, female 9 exposed, 9 exposed 8 silk, 8 silk 7 black, 7 black 6 transparent, 6 transparent 5 thick, 5 thick 4 coquettish, 4 coquettish 3 ugly, 3 ugly 2 fishing nets, 2 fishing nets 1 with holes.
4. Women pay homage to love with hymen, squander their youth with piles of condoms, lament that love is impermanent, and youth can't be returned, in exchange for a maturity, so the so-called maturity means being tired of love and having enough exercise.
5, but gold always shines, but when there is gold all over the ground, I don't know which one I am.
6. I curse you for buying instant noodles all your life without a seasoning bag.
70,000, 50,000,65438+10,000,300,000. The difference is so big. The one on the left is made of plywood, and the back is decorated with carved metal on both sides. The most expensive one is cedar. The materials and decorations are different. Yes, although it burns the same, so does lying in it. The last thing a person buys in life is decided by others. Always feel a little ironic.
8. After all, this is not a society that bitches love. You'd better restrain yourself.
9. No matter whether I am successful or vain, whether I am satirizing others or the pain of my own love, in short, in joy and sadness, the warm youthful brilliance still shines on me.
10, people invented clothes to hide their shame, and then took off their clothes because of fashion. -the relationship between civilization and clothing.
1 1. People like you can only live two episodes in one drama.
12, we live in the vast universe, and we are even smaller than the cosmic dust and the milky way light dust flying all over the sky. You don't know when life suddenly changed direction and fell into the darkness as thick as ink. You were dragged into the abyss by disappointment, you were dragged into the grave by illness, you were trampled to pieces by setbacks, you were laughed at, satirized, hated, resented and abandoned. However, we always keep hope in our hearts, in our hearts that are unwilling to give up. We are still working hard in great despair. This feeling of not wanting to give up, they became little stars with boundless darkness. We are all little stars.
13, how can I put it, as long as your meanness doesn't affect us.
14, I didn't expect a person to be so innocent and stupid and naive!
15, thank you for your lies, which compressed your life into one year.
16, people say I married you because flowers were inserted in cow dung. In fact, I never thought you were cow dung, but dog shit.
17, you chased me naked for two kilometers, and I'm a hooligan when I go back!
18, it is best not to call the couple too early. If we finally get together, it will be a sweet memory. If we are separated, will it be ironic to hear this name?
19, I am always afraid that one day you will find that I am not as good as you think.
20. I doubt that you will ever understand this script.
2 1, the so-called seminar, in fact, is to invite some unscrupulous people to eat some dirty rice, spend some shady money, say something irrelevant, and have a nondescript meeting.
22. Women shed more tears in bed than anywhere else. Men lie in bed, and there are a lot of them everywhere.
23. Stretch and bask in the sun. Life is too short to be sexy.
24. The president of the propaganda department and comic club with silver hair smiled strangely. Not many words, just silently listening to other people's speeches, just smiling all the time, everything is like a big joke in his eyes. Kind of ironic.
26. For all scientific reasons, peas and rice just won't tell you. Just so-so, third in the world.
Rich people will say that poverty is a kind of wealth. Poor students hate being lectured.
I love my weeds, but I hate the ground decorated with weeds.
29. Failure in English shows that I am patriotic.
30. Friends are like RMB, which is true and false.
3 1, carry the pain yourself and wipe the tears yourself.
32. If it weren't for your gentle eyes, how could I fall?
Please respect yourself.
34. I made a promise with all my heart, but time caught me.
35. The more vulgar things are, the more real they are.
When I was very young, I accidentally broke my right leg. I was not sensible at that time, so I had a happy and carefree childhood like everyone else. However, with the growth of age, the sense of inferiority always suppresses me and makes me lift my head. I always feel inferior or even useless. I am afraid that others will play tricks on me or satirize me, and even the sympathy and pity of others will make me feel inferior. In a word, I am alert to everything around me.
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