The Last Supper was created by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It is based on the last supper of Jesus and the twelve disciples in the Bible. The expressions of panic, anger, doubt and remorse, as well as gestures, eyes and behaviors of the characters in the picture are vividly portrayed, which is the most famous of all works created on this theme. Collected in Santa Maria Thanksgiving Church in Milan, Italy.
Content background
The Last Supper is adapted from the New Testament. According to the New Testament Gospel of Kyle, Jesus went to Jerusalem for Passover for the last time, and the Jewish priests plotted to arrest him at night, but no one led the way. Then Judas, a disciple of Jesus, said to the rabbi, "If I give him to you, how much will you give me?" The chief rabbi gave Judas 30 dollars. Judas made an appointment with the chief priests, and it was Jesus who kissed him.
On Passover Day, Jesus and 12 disciples sat together for the last supper. He said to 12 disciples in dismay, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me!" " Hearing this, 12 disciples were shocked, angry, excited or nervous. The Last Supper shows the tense scene at the moment. ?