After Luz came, he met his father-in-law. Lutz asked, "Have you seen the master?" Grandfather-in-law said, "If you are not diligent, who is the master?" The staff who planted it didn't succeed. Branch arches and stands. Don't sleep, kill the chicken for Xiaomi. See his second son. Tomorrow, Lutz will tell you. Confucius said, "Hermit is also." Let Lutz oppose it. Come on, just do it. Lutz said: "Being an official is meaningless. Festivals for young people and the elderly cannot be abolished; How to abolish the meaning of monarch and minister? Trying to clean up his body, it's chaotic again. The official position of the gentleman also carried out his righteousness. If the Tao is not good, you will know it. "
From one of the Analects of Confucius-Weizi.