Confucius said: "People with lofty ideals will never do anything detrimental to benevolence and righteousness for their own survival, but would rather sacrifice themselves and abide by the principles of benevolence and righteousness."
In the Analects of Confucius, we used to say, "Kill the body and become a human being", which was said by Confucius. I won't explain this benevolence here. Theoretically, it has always been said that "benevolence" is the center of Confucius' study. Now, it is the central idea. For example, many religious scholars sometimes encounter things that are contrary to their beliefs. Loyal ministers and dutiful sons in history, that is, this concept, would rather sacrifice than hinder their central ideas or beliefs for life, and would rather die than be righteous. On the contrary, of course, we will not do anything against righteousness for the safety of our lives. This is related to personal cultivation and life values. The word "benevolence" here is interpreted as "morality", so it is easy to understand. Anyone with ambition.