Before entering politics, Fu Shuo was a slave in Yanfu. It is the junction of Yu and Guo, and it is also a traffic artery. Because the running water in the mountain stream often washes away roads, slaves built road protection here. Fu Shuo makes a living by printing and building. Although he is talented, he can't show it.
Wu Ding, King of Shang Dynasty, was an emperor who tried to govern the country. Before he acceded to the throne, he once lived among villains and knew more about the actual situation in society. After he acceded to the throne, he was out of office for three years, and all state affairs were managed by Jia. He watched the battle and thought about the strategy of reviving the Shang Dynasty. Emperor Wuding dreamed that God had given him a wise man. This man, dressed as a slave, said that his surname was Fu Ming and he was working as a coolie. When Wu Ding woke up, he thought, Fu Zhe, Xiang Ye. The speaker is also happy. There should be someone happy with me in the world! I think this is a good sign that I will get a good helper to govern the world. After dawn, he told the officials about his dream, but no one believed him. Wu Ding has people draw the image of a dreamer and look for it all over the country. Sure enough, Fu Shuo, who was dragging his feet in Yanfu, was pulled out from now on.
After Fu Shuo became prime minister, he assisted Wu Ding, made great efforts to reform and pacify the silver list, so that the princes and nobles had no complaints. History is called the great governance of Yin State and the revival of Yin Dao. Wuding once became the heyday of the late Shang Dynasty.
Fu Shuo has a famous saying-it's hard not to know, but it's hard to do.