From: Chapter 15 of The Analects of Spring and Autumn.
Confucius said, "Take part! My path is consistent. " Zeng Zi said, "Wei."
When the child came out, the master asked, "What is it?" Ceng Zi said: "The master's way is loyalty and forgiveness."
Confucius said, "Zeng Shen, what I preach can be carried out from beginning to end by a basic idea." Ceng Zi said, "Yes." After Confucius went out, his classmates asked Ceng Zi, "What does this mean?" Ceng Zi said: "The teacher's method is loyalty and forgiveness."
Extended data:
Confucius told the truth of "loyalty and forgiveness" through Ceng Zi. Of course, the truth of "loyalty and forgiveness" may not be the original meaning that Confucius wanted to explain, but for Confucius, who has always been focusing on "heuristic" education, he does not agree that all his disciples have become like "molds" without any thoughts and opinions of their own.
It is under this concept that all his "seventy-two disciples" have made great achievements, and the eternal beautiful talk of "Confucius and the Ten Scholars" has appeared.