Confucius said: "Learning without thinking will lead to confusion; thinking without learning will lead to peril."
Confucius said: "Learn and practice from time to time, isn't it true? You have a friend. Isn't it a pleasure to come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman to be ignorant and not jealous?" Confucius said: "I have been looking at myself three times, and I am not loyal to my friends. Huh? Isn’t it customary?”
Confucius said: “I will not violate my words all day long, just like a fool. If I withdraw from my son, it will be enough for me to return.”
Confucius said: "Those who review the past and learn the new can become a teacher."
Learning without thinking is a waste, and thinking without learning is peril.
If you study without thinking, you will be blinded by the appearance of knowledge; if you think without learning, you will be more dangerous because of doubts.
The quote comes from "The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng" - Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is a waste, thinking without learning is peril."
Confucius said: "Isn't it true that when one learns and practices things over time, one should also speak about it? When a friend comes from afar, shouldn't one also speak about it? If one does not know and is not stunned, isn't that what a gentleman is?"
Meaning: Confucius said: "Isn't it a pleasure to study and review constantly? Isn't it a pleasure to have friends from far away? I don't resent others who don't understand me. Isn't such a person a gentleman? ?\"
Zeng Zi said: "I examine myself three times every day. Have I been unfaithful in my conduct? Have I not believed in my friends? Have I passed on the knowledge but not learned it?" "Zengzi", a disciple of Confucius, whose name was Shen and whose courtesy name was Ziyu. "Province" means to look at and reflect on. "Plan" means to plan, to make plans. "Zhong", loyalty. "To", to communicate, to cooperate. "Faith", integrity. "Transmission", taught by the teacher. "Xi" means review and practice. The main idea of ??this chapter is: Zengzi said: "I have to conduct self-examination many times every day: Have I been loyal in giving advice to my master? Have I been honest in my interactions and cooperation with friends? I have often reviewed what my teacher taught me. Have you done it?
Confucius said: "I will reply to you all day long without violating it, just like a fool. It is enough to save one's private life by withdrawing one's children, and it is not foolish to return. "
The explanation is as follows:
Confucius said: "I taught Yan Hui, and throughout the whole day he never raised any objections or questions, and seemed stupid. After examining his words and deeds in daily life, his actions in all aspects of real life can bring into play the knowledge and experience I have taught. Yan Hui - he is not stupid."
Confucius said: “You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new. "The source of "The Analects" - "Wei Zheng" was written in the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius said: "Review old knowledge to gain new understanding and experience. You can rely on this to become a teacher.