"These words are enough to make us think deeply. This is the youth of our youth. Youth is the companion of returning to the desert country. It is nothing but contentment, let alone worries. When worries are relieved, terror is ridiculed. Why? Yabi Guda Shi said: "Poverty is not enough to be scary, running around is not enough to be scary, being in jail is not enough to be scary, and the most terrifying thing is the fear of other things." "The beautiful political hero Roosevelt, after the government was dismissed, hunted in the barren mountains, fighting with all his strength against tigers, leopards and bear bears. One day he hunted a white bear and was almost swallowed. He wrote his own account of the incident and said that he did not think so. Terror misses the effect of a fleeting opportunity, and only then can we avoid it. If we take terror as a thing, we will never be able to save people from danger. No matter how terrifying it is, there will be a great disaster coming to us tomorrow. I cannot reduce my strength because of this. Today, my strength will be greatly reduced because of this, so that I will not be able to resist the disasters of tomorrow. Difficulties and dangers are in front of me, and I have nothing to do. I am able to rely on my current situation. I wander around and look back. I see no ancient people in front of me and no one who comes after me. I can only walk with my head high and come alone. How can I wait for the help of others to survive? , Why should I just think about the long journey of heaven and earth, and just cry with sadness? Is it enough to burden my present and present self? The heavy load of mechanical life and the dust of past history have almost the same force. Nowadays, people's journey to wealth and wealth is like an ant's thirst for food and a moth's thirst for fire. It is difficult to find out what it is, and it is difficult to find the fruit of satisfaction. It has been more than half a lifetime of camp and harassment. With a lonely body, it has been forced to lose gold. With the heavy burden of power, how can you not be overwhelmed by the weight and die? Because it is better than power and wealth, it is shorter than youth. The Bible says: "The rich want to enter the kingdom of heaven, just like the camel wants to dive." Being in the eye of a pin. "This is a metaphor for the fact that heavy loads do not coexist with youth. In short, the consciousness of youth is to break through the snare of past history, destroy the shackles of outdated doctrines, and not let the zombies wither and bones restrain the lively me now, and then even in the youth I, kill the youth of the past, promote the youth of today, and give way to the youth of tomorrow. First, I am free from the hypocritical mechanical life of the world, and stand on the great axis of continuous progress with my unique self. Naked clothes, come and go (four hexagrams), all beautiful and noble heaven, not only use the youthful me today to hunt down the gray-haired me today, but also use the youthful me today to kill the gray-headed me in the future. , This is the only direction of life and the only responsibility of youth. Raquel said: "Keeping youth forever is the supreme happiness of life. If you want to enjoy this happiness, you should die in youth." "I hope that my dear young man will be born in youth and die in youth, born in boyhood and die in boyhood. German historian Meng Sun, commenting on Zha Xi Zha, said: "He drinks the water of life from the cup of youth and foams it. Do it. "I wish my dear young people to hold up this luminous cup, drink the slurry of life, and drink it all. Only when a person can do this can he not serve things and not be harmed by things. He can soak in the sky without drowning. The great drought, the gold and stone flow, and the earth are scorched but not hot, and their dust and chaff are like the pottery that molded Yao and Shun. How can my own youth be changed by changes in the outside world, and how can it be blocked by the ashes of the ruins and bones of history. Is it to hide the wisdom of young people? When Shinan Yiliu met the Marquis of Lu, the Marquis of Lu looked worried. Shinan Zi showed him the way to eliminate tiredness and worry, saying, "I hope that you will go to the country to donate to the customs and complement the Tao." OK. "The king said: "The road there is long and dangerous, and there are mountains and rivers. I don't have a boat or a carriage, so what can I do? "Shi Nanzi said: "You are invisible and arrogant, you have no place to live, you only think of a boat or a chariot. "The king said: "The road there is far away and there is no one there. Who can be my neighbor? I have no food, I have no food, how can I come here safely? "Shi Nanzi said: "The expenses of the young prince, the desires of the small prince, although there is no food, it is enough. The prince wades in the river and floats in the sea, looks at it without seeing the cliff, and goes further and further without knowing where he is poor. I send you to him. He will fall back from the cliff, and you will be far away from now on. "This is called the Tao, and it is almost the road to youth. Young people follow this, follow their rationality, work hard, move forward without looking back, turn their backs on the darkness and face the light, advance civilization for the world, and create happiness for mankind. With my youthful self, I create a youthful family, a youthful country, a youthful nation, a youthful humanity, a youthful earth, and a youthful universe, so that I can enjoy my endless life by riding the wind and waves. Are you worried about staying out of reach of spring? This article is too redundant, so please finish it by reciting Qi Yuan’s words.