English proverbs about animals:
Love me, love my dog. Love me, love my dog.
An old dog will learn no new tricks. It is difficult for old people to adapt to new things.
a good dog deserts a good bone. A good dog should chew a good bone; Those who make meritorious deeds are rewarded.
Dog does not eat dog. Dogs don't eat dogs; Dog does not eat dog.
2. cat:
A cat has nine lives. Cats have nine lives.
A cat may look at a king. A cat can also look at a king; Small people should also have some rights.
Care killed a cat. Worry kills cats; Care killed a cat.
there are more ways than one to kill a cat. One way to kill a cat; There are many ways to achieve the goal.
3. fox Fox:
A fox is not taken twice in the same snake. A fox cannot catch it twice in the same trap.
A fox may grow grey, but never good. The fox will get old, but it will never get better; The rivers and mountains may change, but not one's essential nature
The fox changes his skin but not his habits. A fox can change its fur, but not its habits.
The fox knows much, but more he that catches him. Foxes are smart, not as smart as fox hunters.
4. wolf Wolf:
Who keeps company with the Wolf will learn to howl. You will learn to howl if you keep company with wolves.
the wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. A wolf's teeth can be lost, but its nature cannot be changed.
a thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. A thief knows a thief just as a wolf knows a wolf.
hunger fetches the wolf out of the Woods. Hunger draws wolves out of the forest.
5. tiger:
He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. It's difficult for a tiger rider to get off.
the tiger's backside shall not be touched. The tiger's ass can't be touched.
the tiger has once tasted blood is never eaten with the taste of it. once you taste blood, you will never be able to stop it.
A tiger leaves a skin behind him. People die to stay in name.