Confucius’ classic saying: He who reviews the past and learns the new can become a teacher. Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice it from time to time? Wouldn’t it be great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset? Those who know are not as good as those who know well, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy. Among the three of us, we must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man, but the evil of a villain is. They have different ways and do not seek each other. To make mistakes without correcting them is to make mistakes.
A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, while a villain cherishes favor.
Only the benevolent can do good to others and do evil to others.
A gentleman wants to be slow in speech, but quick in action.
A gentleman is not careful in comparing himself with others, while a villain is not careful in comparing himself with others.
A gentleman is known as righteousness, and a villain is known as benefit.
A gentleman has nothing to do with the world.
A scholar who aspires to the Tao but is ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly is not worthy of discussion.
Being so angry that one forgets to eat, being so happy that one forgets to worry, not knowing that old age is coming... Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, and enjoy them. Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. Xianzai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it. Even if I return, I will not change my joy. Xianzai, come back! Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right path, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't follow the right path, you won't get rid of them. If you are rich and can be sought after, even if you are a whip-carrying man, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like. Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger. Cultivation of oneself to bring respect to oneself Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to others...Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to the people. You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life a hundred miles away, and you can't take it away on a big day. A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will sacrifice his life to achieve benevolence. The king died due to illness and his name was not known. A man who is a good man is upright and righteous. Observe words and colors, and consider the following people. A gentleman is peaceful but not arrogant; a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. For a gentleman, things are easy but difficult to express (pleasure). Saying (pleasure) is not done in the right way, not saying (pleasure). A gentleman's official position is to act righteously. Zi said Yu Chan. There are four principles of a gentleman: he behaves respectfully towards himself, he is respectful in his conduct, he benefits the people when he nourishes them, and he treats the people righteously. Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but not a party. A gentleman is not careful in comparing himself with others, while a villain is not careful in comparing himself with others. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried. The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear. If you act in favor of profit, you will complain a lot. Seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, why complain? If quality is better than literature, the country will be wild; if literature is better than quality, history will be achieved. Be polite, then be a gentleman. A gentleman seeks the road but not food; a gentleman worries about the road but not poverty. How can we not care about the French language? Change it to expensive. If you hold your hand and talk to it, can you say nothing? Make it valuable. If I say it but don’t explain it, and therefore don’t change it, then I’m done with it. Seeing the good is like exploring the soup. A gentleman respects the virtuous and tolerates others, praises the good but is reserved. No. 1. Confucius said: "Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know and is not surprised?"
Translation Confucius said : "Isn't it nice to have learned and review and practice often? Isn't it nice to have like-minded people coming from afar? People don't understand me, and I don't feel resentful or angry. I'm also a virtuous gentleman. ”
2. Confucius said: “Those who speak eloquently and have a smile on their faces are very kind.” 3. Zengzi said: "I examine myself three times every day. Are I unfaithful in my plans for others? Do I not trust my friends when I make friends? Are I not accustomed to teaching?" Translation Zengzi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day: I advise others and do things; Are you loyal? Are you trustworthy in making friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge imparted by the teacher? " 4. The Master said: "A gentleman has no need for food and no need for peace of mind. It can be said that he is eager to learn." Translation: Confucius said: "A gentleman is eager to learn if he does not seek to satisfy himself when he eats, and does not seek comfort when living. He is agile in his work, careful in his speech, and corrects his mistakes from time to time." 5. Confucius said: "A gentleman is eager to learn if he does not seek comfort in his life. If you don't know yourself, you will be in trouble if you don't know others." Translation: Confucius said: "You are not afraid that no one understands you, but you are afraid that you do not understand others.
” 6. Confucius said: “Three hundred poems can be summed up in one sentence, saying: ‘Thoughts are innocent. ’” Translation Confucius said: “The three hundred (05) poems in the Book of Songs can be summarized in one sentence, that is: ‘Thoughts are pure and there is nothing evil. ’” 7. Confucius said: “When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn; when I was thirty, I was established; when I was forty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I understood the destiny of heaven; when I was sixty, my ears were obedient; when I was seventy, I followed my heart’s desires without exceeding the rules. Translation: Confucius said: "When I was fifteen years old, I aspired to learning; when I was thirty years old, I was sure of my words and actions; when I was forty years old, I had mastered all kinds of knowledge and was not confused; when I was fifty years old, I had gained Know the destiny; at the age of sixty, as soon as you listen to other people's words, you can distinguish between true and false, and distinguish right from wrong; at the age of seventy, you can do whatever you want, and no thought will go beyond the rules. 8. Confucius said: "You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new." " Translation Confucius said: "When you review old knowledge and understand new things, you can become a teacher. " 9. Confucius said: "A gentleman is not careful in comparing himself with others, and a villain is not careful in comparing himself with others. " Translation Confucius said: "A gentleman unites the masses without colluding with each other; a villain colludes with each other but does not unite the masses. ” 10. Confucius said: “Learning without thinking will lead to indifference; thinking without learning will lead to peril.” " Translation Confucius said: "If you study without thinking deeply, you will become more confused as you study; if you think without reading, you will have nothing. ” 11. The Master said: “You know it by teaching your daughter! To know it is to know it, and to know it is not to know it, that is knowledge. " Translation Confucius said: "Zhong Yu, teach you the attitude towards knowing and not knowing! What you know is what you know, and what you don't know is what you don't know. This attitude is wise. ” 12. Confucius said: “People who have no faith do not know what is possible.” ” Translation Confucius said: “If a person has no credibility, he doesn’t know what he can do. 13. Confucius said to Ji: "Eight people dancing in the court are tolerable, but who can't be tolerated?" Translation Confucius said to Ji: "He used the emperor's dance lineup to dance in his ancestral temple. Such a thing can be tolerated "What can't be tolerated?" 14. Confucius said: ""Guanyong" is happy but not obscene, sad but not sad." The translation of Confucius said: "The theme of "Guanyong" is happy but not excessive, but sad. Don't be sad." 15. Confucius said: "Don't talk about things that have happened, don't admonish them for things that have happened, and let things go by the past." Translation Confucius said: "Don't comment on things in the past, don't discuss things that have been done, and don't pursue things after they have been done. "16. Confucius said: "If you understand the truth in the morning, it is worth dying in the evening." Translation: Confucius said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable about morality, and a villain is knowledgeable about self-interest." 18. Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, you should think about yourself; when you see a virtuous person, you should introspect yourself." Translation: Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, you should be like him; When you see an unworthy person, you should reflect on yourself." 19. Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall made of dung cannot be carved. How can I punish him?" Translation: Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall made of dung cannot be carved." Painting, what can I do to him?" 20. Confucius said: "Being quick and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask, is called "literary". Translation: Confucius said: "Being agile and eager to learn, when asking for advice from people who are less knowledgeable than yourself, I don’t think it’s a shame, so I call it ‘Wen’.” 21. Ji Wenzi thinks twice before acting. Confucius heard about it and said: "Again, this is enough." 22. Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, if a country has the Way, it will be wise, but if a country does not have the Way, it will be foolish. Its wisdom can be reached, but its stupidity cannot be reached." Translation Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, when the country is in peace, is smart, but when the country is in chaos, he is stupid. His intelligence can be matched, but his stupidity cannot be matched by others." 23. Confucius said: "If quality is superior to literature, he will be wild; if culture is superior to quality, he will be history." "A person who is elegant and gentle will be a gentleman." Translation Confucius said: "A person who is more elegant than simple will be rough, and only when his literary talent and simplicity are matched properly, he will be a gentleman." 24. Zi. Said: "Those who know well are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy." Translation Confucius said: "It is better to know that learning is worse than to like learning, and to like learning is not as good as to take learning as happiness." 25. Confucius said: "The wise are happy with water, and the benevolent are happy. Leshan; wise people are active, benevolent people are quiet; wise people are happy, and benevolent people live long." Translation Confucius said: "A wise person likes water, a kind person likes mountains; a wise person likes movement, and a kind person likes tranquility; a wise person is happy and kind. people live longer.
” 26. The Master said: “I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is that for me? " Translation Confucius said: "Keep knowledge in mind, never feel satisfied when learning, never feel tired when teaching, what have I accomplished in these three aspects? 27. Confucius said: "If you are not angry or enlightened, if you are not angry or angry, if you do not use three corners to counterattack, then you will never recover." " Translation Confucius said: "Don't enlighten him until he is thinking hard; don't enlighten him until he is speechless. If you can't understand three similar questions with one example, don't teach him again. 28. Zi Zai heard "Shao" in Qi, and he didn't know the taste of meat in March. He said: "I don't want to do this for pleasure." " Translation: Confucius listened to "Shao Music" in Qi State and ate meat for a long time without feeling the taste. He said: "I didn't expect good music to be so charming. " 29. Ye Gong asked Confucius about Zilu. Zilu was wrong. Confucius said: "Don't you say: He is a human being who is so angry that he forgets to eat, and he is happy and forgets his worries. He doesn't know that old age is coming? " Translation: Ye Gong asked Zi Lu: What kind of person is Confucius? Zi Lu did not answer. Confucius said: "Why don't you say: He is a man who forgets to eat when he is angry, and forgets sorrow when he is happy. He even grows old. I don’t know, that’s all. ” 30. The Master said: “When three people are walking together, they must have me as their teacher.” Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. ” Translation Confucius said: “Of three people walking together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. Choose his strengths to learn from him and learn from his shortcomings to correct yourself. " 31. Confucius taught four things: literature, conduct, loyalty, and trustworthiness. Translation: Confucius taught four things: literature, conduct, loyalty, and faithfulness. 32. Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain has a lot of sympathy. ” Translation Confucius said: “A gentleman has a broad mind, but a villain is sad and sad. 33. Zeng Zi said: "When a bird is about to die, its cries are mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind." ” Translation Zengzi said: “When birds are about to die, their cries are sad; when people are about to die, their words are kind. " 34. Zengzi said: "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The responsibilities are heavy and the road ahead is long. Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just a matter of time before death? ” Translation Zengzi said: “A scholar must be magnanimous, strong and perseverant, because his responsibilities are heavy and his road is long. Isn’t it important to take the realization of benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Strive for life and die. Isn’t the journey still far away? ” 35. Confucius said: “If you are not in your position, you will not seek government.” " Translation Confucius said: "If you are not in that position, don't think about the things in that position. 36. Confucius said: "The future generations are to be feared. How could we know that those who come are not as good as they are now?" " Translation Confucius said: "Young people are worthy of respect. How do you know that the next generation is not as good as the previous one? 37. Confucius said: "Three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will." " Translation Confucius said: "The three armies can be deprived of their commanders, but an individual cannot be deprived of his ambition. ” 38. Confucius said: “The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear. ” Translation Confucius said: “A wise person will not be confused, a kind person will not be sad, and a brave person will not be afraid. ” 39. Confucius said: “When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither. " Translation Confucius said: "In the cold season, we know that the pines and cypresses are the last to wither. ” 40. Confucius said: “The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man.” The villain is on the contrary. ” Translation Confucius said: “A gentleman helps people achieve success and does not push people into failure. The villain is the opposite. 41. Zigong asked: "Is there anyone who can say something that can be carried out throughout his life?" Confucius said: "How can I forgive you?" Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. ” Translation Zigong asked Confucius: “Is there any one sentence that I can follow throughout my life?” Confucius said: "That's 'forgiveness'. Don't force things on others that you can't do yourself." ” 42. Zixia said: “If you are an official and you are good at it, you will learn; if you are good at learning, you will be an official.” ” Translation Zixia said: “When you have enough energy to be an official, you should study; when you can learn to do it with ease, you should become an official. Attitude towards life
It is not enough for a scholar to aspire to the Tao, but to be ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly.
Cultivation of the Right Mind
How Confucius was made_
Confucius is an immortal saint in our country and even the world, but I don’t know anything about him . When I mention Confucius, a picture and that wise saying appear in front of my eyes.
Life of Confucius
Confucius was a great thinker, politician, educator, and founder of Confucianism in ancient China. His teachings not only influenced the development process of China for thousands of years, but also profoundly It has profoundly influenced every Chinese person's thoughts and behavior patterns, and has become the theoretical basis of Eastern people's character and psychology.
The Confucian culture founded by Confucius is extensive and profound, forming the mainstream and foundation of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and it still plays a huge positive role in social life today. Confucius belongs not only to history, but also to contemporary times, not only to China, but also to the world.
Confucius lost his father in his early years and his family declined. He once said: "I am young and humble, so I can do many despicable things." When he was young, he worked as a "commissioner" (managing warehouses) and "Chengtian" (managing cattle and sheep). Although he lived in poverty, Confucius became "dedicated to learning" at the age of fifteen. He is good at learning from others. He once said: "When three people walk, they must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones." ("The Analects of Confucius·Shu Er") He learned from the impermanent teacher and never tired of learning. The villagers also praised him as "erudite".
Since the promulgation of the Duke of Lu, the political power of the State of Lu has been in the hands of the three Huans headed by the Ji family. In the early years of Duke Zhao, the three families divided up Lu Jun's military power. Kong Liao once expressed his indignation at Ji's arrogant behavior of "eight people dancing in the court". In the 25th year of Zhaogong (517 BC), Lu was in civil strife, and Confucius left Lu and went to Qi. Duke Jinggong of Qi asked Confucius about government affairs, and Confucius said: "Junjun, ministers, fathers, sons, sons." He also said, "Government is about saving money." The political power of Qi was controlled by the official Chen family. Although Jinggong liked Confucius' words, he could not use them. . Confucius failed to achieve his goals in Qi, so he returned to Lu, "retired to study poetry, calligraphy, ritual and music, and had many disciples." People from far away came to study from almost all the vassal states. At that time, Lu's political power was controlled by the Ji family, and the Ji family was controlled by his retainer Yang Huo. Confucius was dissatisfied with the situation in which the government was not in the hands of the king but in the hands of the officials, who "accompanied the ministers to carry out the country's orders", and was unwilling to serve as an official. He said: "Being unjust and rich and noble is like a floating cloud to me."
After Confucius returned to Lu, the people of Lu respected him as "the elder of the country". At the beginning, Duke Ai of Lu and Ji Kangzi often consulted each other on political affairs. But it was never reused. In his later years, Confucius devoted himself to organizing documents and continuing his education. Confucius died in the 16th year of Duke Ai of Lu (479 BC) and was buried on the Surabaya River in the north of Lu City.
After reading this book, I feel that Confucius is really an amazing great man! Although he lived in poverty, he never wavered in his strong will to study. He used the reputation of his ancestors to constantly encourage himself to study hard. When he was in his twenties, he worked as a small historian and managed a warehouse. Although this official was very small, he did it very seriously. He used the knowledge he had learned to calculate every account clearly. And he is also a good and honest official. In addition, Confucius was still an open-minded and studious person. He went to see Laozi and asked him many questions. Lao Tzu knew the reputation of Confucius and took the trouble to tell him about it one by one. After Confucius came back from Laozi, his disciples gradually increased and he became more respected. This obviously meant that Confucius corrected some of his original shortcomings. This shows that Confucius was not satisfied with the status quo and was eager to learn more knowledge. .