[ Source: The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan]: "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. You don't have any complaints in the state, but you don't have any complaints at home."
In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a prison officer named Li Li in the State of Jin. When he tried a case, he listened to his subordinates' one-sided words, causing a person to die unjustly. After the truth came out, Li Li Li was ready to make amends by death. Jin Wengong said: The official did. It's not your fault. Li Li said, "I didn't usually tell the following people that we were the officials together, and I didn't share the salary with them. Now I made a mistake. How can I do it if I put the blame on the following clerks?" He refused to listen to Jin Wengong's persuasion and died by the sword.
This is a true story, which took place in a certain African country. The white government in that country implemented it. Dark-skinned people are not allowed to enter the public places reserved for white people. White people don't like to associate with black people, and they think they are a lowly race, so they should avoid them.
One day, a foreign girl with long hair sunbathed on the beach, and she fell asleep because of fatigue. When she woke up, the sun had already set.
At this time, she felt hungry and walked into a restaurant near the beach. She chose a chair by the window and sat down. She sat for about 15 minutes. No waiter came to serve her. She looked at the waiters who were busy waiting for customers who came later than her, but she ignored her. She suddenly became angry. She wanted to go forward and blame the waiters.
When she stood up and tried to move forward, there was a big mirror in front of her. She looked at herself in the mirror, and tears came from her eyes.
when Roosevelt was an assistant secretary of the navy, a good friend visited one day. During the conversation, his friend asked about the establishment of a naval base on an island in the Caribbean.
"I just want you to tell me," said his friend, "whether the rumors I heard about the base are true."
What this friend wanted to inquire about was not open at that time, but since he was a good friend, how to refuse it?
I saw Roosevelt look around, then lowered his voice and asked his friend, "Can you keep a secret about things that are inconvenient to spread?"
"Yes," my friend replied eagerly.
"Well," Roosevelt said with a smile, "So can I."