2. High-ranking officials and generous officials may fall from the sky; Gold and silver wealth may come uninvited; But wisdom must be pursued by ourselves.
3. Not only pursue life unremittingly, but also dare not expect too much reward and favor from life, but face the reality rationally and soberly.
4. As long as just laws are not violated, everyone has complete freedom to pursue his own interests in his own way.
5. What God puts into men's hearts is the courage to love and pursue, and what God puts into women's hearts is the courage to fear and repel.
6. The word "marketing" emphasizes both the pursuit of results and the process, both "selling" and "marketing".
7. Before a woman goes after something in a desperate way, she might as well see if those who have already pursued it are happy.
8. We should not pursue all kinds of happiness, but only noble happiness.
9, people are committed to a goal, an idea ... is a manifestation of people's need to pursue integrity in the process of life.
1. Although people live in time, they should pursue eternity, and strive to give up the enjoyment of * * and stick to the spiritual level.
11. People need a goal. People would rather pursue nothingness than nothing.
12. A wise man would rather prevent diseases before they happen, rather than cure them before they happen. It is better to encourage overcoming pain than to seek comfort for pain.
13. We pursue complexity, but forget simplicity. We pursue love, but forget our sincerity.
14. Life without pursuit is like a car without an engine. Life without enthusiasm is like a car without air.
15. When it enthusiastically pursues light, the kaleidoscope's heart is no longer broken.