Returning home and stealing morality is also a famous saying of Confucius, which comes from Yang Huo in The Analects of Confucius. In ancient Chinese, thieves are often used to express negative evaluation of a certain quality or behavior. In this case, the thief can be understood as corruption or destruction. Therefore, homesickness and virtue thieves can also be understood as immoral behavior.
Specifically, homesickness refers to the behavior or attitude of being too accommodating and compromising. This kind of behavior or attitude may be regarded as a virtue in some cases, but in Confucius' view, this kind of behavior undermines moral principles because it lacks the courage to think independently and stick to its own beliefs.
In Yang Huo's works, Confucius criticized those behaviors that did not have their own principles, but only catered to others, thinking that such behaviors did not conform to moral standards. He emphasized that we must have our own independent thinking and firm belief in order to be truly virtuous.
The background of Yang Huo's Analects;
In The Analects of Confucius, Confucius left Lu for Song when the political situation in Lu was in turmoil. At that time, Yang Huo was a great official in the Song Dynasty. He wants Confucius to visit him, hoping that Confucius can be used by him. However, Confucius didn't approve of Yang Huo's political views and didn't want to work for him, so he chose to leave Song State for Jin State.
Before leaving Song State, Confucius and his disciples discussed moral, political and educational issues together, and recorded these discussions, forming the Yang Huo chapter of The Analects. In this article, Confucius criticized the popular homesickness behavior in the society at that time, arguing that this behavior lacked the courage to think independently and adhere to one's own beliefs, which undermined moral principles.
He also put forward the view that human nature is similar, but people's behavior and thoughts will be very different due to different environment and education.
Yang Huo is a relatively long article in The Analects of Confucius, which contains the discussion and thinking of Confucius and his disciples on politics, morality and education. This article is also an important one in The Analects of Confucius, because it reflects Confucius' thinking and choice during the period of political turmoil, and also provides us with an important historical background for understanding the development of Confucius' thought.