When Wang Mian was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge. He sneaked into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home at night, he forgot all the cows he was grazing. Wang Mian's father was furious and gave Wang Mian a good beating. From then on, Wang Mian left home and stayed in a temple. At night, he sneaked out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding a book in his hand. By the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, the sound of reading was read until dawn.
Famous books about inspirational reading are rarely used.
A lazy youth, a lousy age.
Teenagers don't know how to study hard, but old people regret studying late.
Read a book a hundred times and you will understand its meaning.
I never get tired of reading old books, but I don't know myself until I read them carefully.
There is a road in the mountain of books, but there is no limit to learning the sea.
Reading has broken thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god.
Reading should be like a hungry man jumping on bread.
Books are a comfort in adversity.
The study is the nest of literati spirit and the meditation hall of life.