Lao Tzu once said: "The difficult things in the world must be done with ease; the great things in the world must be done with details." It pointed out incisively that if you want to achieve something, you must start with simple things and start with details. Everywhere is manned. As the saying goes, "One tree, one bodhi, one grain of sand, one world." Everything in life is originally composed of details. If everything is in order, success or failure will be determined by details as small as gravel. The competition of details is the ultimate and highest level of competition.
Today, as the division of labor in modern society becomes more and more detailed and the degree of specialization becomes higher and higher, an era of management and life that requires refined management has arrived. No matter what, it is actually composed of some details. When we look at the success of many entrepreneurs at home and abroad, we find that the main reason why they can achieve outstanding achievements is that the management always implements detailed competition throughout the entire product development process. The competition in details is not only a competition in cost, technology and innovation, but also a competition in the coordination ability of each link; from another level, it is also a competition for talents. Tolstoy once said: "A person's value is not measured by quantity but by his depth. The most common characteristic of successful people is that they can do small things and grasp some details in life." ”
On October 31, Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulos, Chairman of the Athens Olympic Organizing Committee, introduced the successful hosting experience of the Athens Olympic Games at the Athens Summary Meeting held in Beijing. She said that the Olympic Games is a huge system project. , no detail can be ignored.
Angelopoulos said that based on current trends, Beijing will be able to complete all preparatory work including venue construction, urban infrastructure construction, etc. on time. Despite this, the Athens Olympics can still provide Beijing with many meaningful experiences.
Angelopoulos said that the Olympic Games is a very large system project. Large hardware aspects such as venue construction and infrastructure construction are important, but these alone cannot fully guarantee the success of the Olympic Games. In Olympic system engineering, there are millions of details that need attention, and no detail can be ignored. Although there were some delays in project construction in Athens, the attention to detail made the Athens Olympic Games worthy of being a very successful Olympic Games. Athens put forward the slogan "Go Home for the Olympics" and used the Olympic Games to push Greece to the forefront of the world stage and show Athens' elegance to the world. This has been Athens' strategy from the beginning, and we are working in accordance with this strategy. of.
Angelopoulos said that athletes from various countries have repeatedly broken records in Athens; the strong and pleasant Olympic atmosphere that audiences can feel no matter where they are; the humanized architectural design of the Athens Olympic Village; volunteers The meticulous and patient work; the courtesy and enthusiasm of the citizens of Athens... all of these have won praises from athletes, officials and spectators from all over the world, and won a good reputation for Athens. These are closely related to Athens' emphasis on work details.
Zhejiang Chuanhua Group once sent employees to Japan to inspect Kao. What impressed them most at that time was Kao’s delivery method. The distribution in the domestic daily chemical industry is generally based on pieces, that is, a large box, delivered to supermarkets and convenience stores. But they saw the delivery method based on inner packaging at the Kao River's logistics center. For example, for washing powder, a store can ask Kao for five pieces and three bags.
This is a huge shock to Chinese daily chemical people, because behind the details, the entire management process has to change. This logistics center will supply Kao's 300,000 stores in Japan. How to solve the transportation problem? If the small packages are mixed together, there will be no points. Kao's solution is to use a patented turnover box, put the quantity required by each merchant for each variety in the box, and then load it into the container. There are only three operators in their logistics center, and each one is running non-stop. According to the order quantity on the screen in front of him, he puts the products from several assembly lines into this turnover box. Each person's control range is 30 meters. Fangyuan, every two hours. According to Chuanhua people's calculations, each worker ran approximately tens of thousands of meters in these two hours.
These prompted Chuanhua people to reflect, and ultimately led the two companies to embark on a joint venture.
Today's Chuanfa Kao has not only fought its way into China's fiercely competitive daily consumer goods market, grabbing a share of the market from well-known domestic and foreign companies such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Shanghai Daily Chemicals, but Chuanfa has also successfully achieved Listed financing. It can be said that by firmly grasping the details, one detail changed the fate of Chuanhua.
Haier President Mr. Zhang Ruimin once said: "Doing every simple thing well is not simple; doing every ordinary thing well is extraordinary." Haier Group's "Strict, Detailed and Practical" The management style of "constant, constant" puts detail and practicality to an important level, aims at pursuing zero defects and high sensitivity in work, and controls and solves management problems in the shortest time and smallest scope, so as to minimize economic losses and gradually It has achieved the refinement of management, eliminated all dead ends in enterprise management, greatly reduced the consumption of cost materials, and made management timely, comprehensive and effective. Every link can reveal meticulous rigor, truly achieving environmental protection. The rules and regulations are closely linked and not omitted; and the ups and downs of many companies in recent years are also due to the fact that although their rules and regulations are not not detailed, strict, and unrealistic, they are often spoken, written on paper, and fixed on the wall. But it just can't be implemented into action. It is true that success is in the details and failure is in the details. If you yearn for greatness and pursue greatness, greatness will disappear; if you are willing to be ordinary and do every detail carefully, greatness will come unexpectedly. This is the charm of details.
However, if you look at our people today, it seems that the problems of generalization and carelessness are still common. There are "almost" gentlemen everywhere in society. It seems, almost, seems, nearly, Approximately, generally, roughly, probably, etc., have become Mr. "Almost"'s common words. While these words are being used again and again, defective products are coming out of the production line, accidents in the mines are happening frequently, and violations of laws and disciplines and lack of principles are also repeatedly prohibited in society. Corresponding to the concept of "almost", people want to do big things, but are unwilling or disdainful to do small things. But in fact, there are too few people who can do great things. In most cases, most people can only do some specific things, trivial things, and monotonous things. Maybe they are too dull, maybe they are trivial, but this is work and life. , is the indispensable foundation for achieving great things.
With the development of the economy, the degree of specialization is getting higher and higher, and the social division of labor is becoming more and more detailed. A car has tens of thousands of parts and requires the production cooperation of hundreds of companies; an airplane has millions of parts and involves even more business units. This requires people to work seriously and meticulously, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the entire social system. so. We must pay attention to details and start from small things.
To achieve great success, you must pay attention to details when doing big things. In China, there are many people who want to do big things. But there are very few people who are willing to do small things carefully. In fact, we do not lack ambitious strategists, but we lack executors who strive for excellence. We definitely do not lack various management rules and regulations, but what we lack is the uncompromising implementation of the rules and regulations.
There is a famous saying in China, "The spirit is seen in the subtleties." Details are small and meticulous. They will never dominate the market competition, nor are they like crazy promotion strategies that immediately increase sales. However, the competition of details is as silent as spring breeze and rain moistening things. Today, drastic competition often fails to expand the market, but competition in details will never end. Every bit of care and every bit of service will build users' faith in the brand. This is the beauty of details, the charm of details.