In fact, the emperor heard of Zhen Xuan and Guo Ziyu County, but it never appeared. He even ordered not to cry loudly at the funeral in Guo Ziyu County, not even the crying of children. This made Huan Bi, who was already heartbroken, even more sad. He wanted to leave and followed King Guo Jun. So Huanbi ran into the coffin of King Guo Jun. It can be said that, on the one hand, Huanbi's death is a mixture of disappointment with Zhen Xuan, despair of life and anger at the emperor, which finally completes Huanbi's death.
Huanbi always knew about things between Guo Ziyu County and Zhen Xuan, and even when she was almost discovered by the emperor, she was still fascinated. At this point, she still wants to protect Zhen Xuan, but she has her own ideas, because it will be a step closer to Guo Ziyu County. That's why she came out to replace Zhen Xuan. Only later when we got along, King Guo Jun's mind was focused on Zhen Xuan. Huanbi is very jealous. She loves and hates King Guo Jun. Finally, she found many letters before she died. Huanbi wanted everyone to know about it, but she was interrupted by Zhen Xuan. In the end, Huanbi can only die with hatred.
The character Huanbi is ill-fated. She died like this, without enjoying the sweetness of love. She is also a complicated character in the play.