Confucian famous sayings
1. Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust a person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and make his behavior chaotic. What he did, so he moved his heart and forbearance, was beneficial to what he could not do. (Mencius)
2. Old people, I am old, and people are old; young people, I am young, and people are young. (Mencius)
3. Those who have attained the Way will receive many help, while those who have lost the Way will receive little help. (Mencius)
4. Riches and honors cannot be used for sexual intercourse, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and force cannot be subdued. This is called a true man. (Mencius)
5. Life is what I want; righteousness is also what I want; you cannot have both, and you must sacrifice your life for righteousness. (Mencius)
6. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking will lead to indifference; thinking without learning will lead to peril."
7. Confucius said: "When you see the wise, you will think of them all. When you see someone who is not worthy, you should introspect yourself. "
8. Confucius said: "If you are not angry and angry, you are not angry and angry, and if you do not respond in three ways, you will never recover."
9. Confucius said: "Three friends are beneficial, and three friends are detrimental. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. Friends who are friendly are open, friends who are gentle, friends who are sycophantic, and that is a loss."
10. Zixia said: "Educated and determined, asking questions and thinking closely, benevolence is in it."
11. Green, taken from blue, and green from orchid; ice water is it, And colder than water.
12. Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight; if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial; if a gentleman is knowledgeable and considers himself day by day, he will know clearly and act without mistakes.
13. Those who pretend to be horses are not capable of running a thousand miles; those who pretend to be boats are not capable of running water, but they are unable to cross rivers.
14. Therefore, if you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you can’t become a river or sea.
15. If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved.
16. A horse can’t take ten steps in one leap; a horse can drive ten times, but it’s hard to give up.
17. A gentleman is peaceful but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant; Confucius
18. Clever words confuse virtue, while small impatience confuses great plans; Confucius
< p>19. Righteous justice without seeking benefit, knowing the way without considering merit; Confucius20. The wonder, weirdness, and extraordinaryness of the world often lie in the danger and distance, and the age of a person is rare To Yan, so those who have no ambition cannot reach it.
21. It is difficult or easy for people to learn. If you learn, the difficult ones will also be easy; if you don’t learn, the easy ones will also be difficult;
22. Hundreds of rivers will reach the sea. , when will we return to the west? If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be miserable.
24. If you don’t climb a high mountain, you don’t know how high the sky is; if you don’t go to a deep stream, you don’t know how thick the earth is. Xunzi
25. If you don’t worry about others, you don’t know yourself; when you worry, you don’t know others. Confucius
26. The five virtues of a gentleman: Benevolence without expense, labor without resentment, desire without greed, peace without arrogance, power without violence; Confucius
27. Reading The method is to proceed step by step, read it carefully and think carefully. Zhu Xi
28. It is better to retreat and build a net if you are envious of fish in the deep water; Dong Zhongshu
29. A sage does not value a piece of jade, but an inch of shade, which is rare and easy to lose. ; Huainanzi
30. The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man. The Analects of Confucius
31. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine. Zhuangzi
32. The road is long and long, and I will search up and down. Qu Yuan
33. If you are poor, you can help yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world. Mencius.
Excerpts from Confucius's famous sayings:
34. A gentleman will not compare himself with others, while a villain will not compare himself with others;
35. Knowing something is knowing it, and not knowing is not knowing, that is Wisdom;
36. People have no faith and do not know what they are capable of;
37. Scholars who aspire to the Tao but are ashamed of wearing bad clothes and eating bad food are not worthy of discussion;
38. A gentleman is known for his righteousness, while a villain is known for his profit;
39. A gentleman is slow to speak but quick to act;
40. Rotten wood cannot be carved, as is the soil. The wall cannot be built;
41. A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, can't bear the worries of people, and they will not change their happiness when they return home.
Wise, come back;
42. Know it silently, never tire of learning, never tire of teaching;
43. When three people walk together, there must be a teacher from me, choose the good one and follow them If it is not good, then change it;
44. Benevolence is far away. I want to be benevolent, but it can be as benevolent as possible;
45. Zi is always good and tempting,
46. The Master said on the river: The deceased is like a man who never gives up day and night;
47. A wise man will not be confused, and a kind man will not be confused. Worry, the brave are not afraid;
48. Do not see what is inappropriate, do not hear what is inappropriate, do not speak what is inappropriate, do not do anything inappropriate;
49. Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. No resentment in the state, no resentment at home;
Excerpts from Mencius’ famous sayings:
50. Those who enjoy the happiness of the people will also enjoy their happiness; those who worry about the worries of the people will also worry about them. Its worries;
51. You know its politics when you see its etiquette, you know its virtues when you hear its joy;
52. It is not a human being to have no compassion; no shame or disgust , non-human;
53. The foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body;
54. When Jie and Zhou lost the world, they also lost their people; Those who lose their people lose their hearts;
55. If God does evil, you can still violate it; if you do evil yourself, you will not live;
56. The heart of compassion is benevolence; the heart of shame , righteousness; the heart of respect, etiquette; the heart of right and wrong, wisdom;
57. Those who govern well gain the people's wealth, and those who teach well gain the people's hearts;
58. The people are precious, The country is second, the king is the least important;
Selected Sentences from University and Doctrine
59. The way of university is to be clear and virtuous, to be close to the people, and to stop at perfection;
60. Being absent-minded, turning a blind eye but not seeing, hearing but not smelling, eating without knowing its taste, this is called self-cultivation, which means correcting one's mind.
61. Therefore, there are only a few people in the world who are good but know their evil, and who are evil but know their beauty;
62. A benevolent person makes a fortune with wealth, and an unkind person makes a fortune with his body;
62. p>
63. If a good reader finds something by playing around, he will use it for life, and some will never be able to use it up;
64. Sincerity is the way of heaven; sincerity is the way of man. Tao;
65. Being sincere and clear is called nature; being sincere and sincere is called teaching; sincerity means understanding, and knowing means sincerity;
66. Therefore, sincerity has no interest. , if it lasts, it will be long, if it lasts, it will be conquered, if it is conquered, it will be far-reaching, if it is far-reaching, it will be profound, and if it is profound, it will be wise;
67. The foundation of rejuvenating a country is also education, and the foundation of education is also school
68. Right, then determine the severity; degree, then know the length.