Yan Hui was twenty-nine, his hair turned white, and he died young. Confucius cried bitterly and said, "Since I had such a studious disciple as Yan Hui, the students have been closer to me." Lu Aigong asked Confucius, "Who is the best student among your disciples?" Confucius replied, "There is a student named Yan Hui. He'd better learn. He won't transfer his temper to others and won't make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, he died at a young age, and now no one is as eager to learn as Yan Hui. "
Hui: It refers to Yan Hui, a disciple of Confucius.
Do: all; All of them.
Flea: Too early.
Don: Extremely sad.
Self: self.
Disciples benefit relatives: classmates are closer. Benefits: (adverbs) more, more.
Lu Aigong: King Lu.
Who: Who?
In favor: Yes.
Good: hobbies, hobbies.
Right: Answer.
Don't take your anger away: don't transfer it. Let's go, let's go.
Never repeat: don't repeat a mistake. Second, repetition. It's over. It's wrong.
Short life: Life is too short to die.
Today: Now.
Death: preach "nothing", no.
Benefits: more.