"Shangshu" said: "Full loss, modest benefit." Mao Zedong also said: "Modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind." These two sentences illustrate the importance of modesty for growth. Because only modest people can be less arrogant and conceited, especially in front of achievements. Let us always remember that people are like scores, practical ability is like numerator, and self-evaluation is like denominator. The larger the denominator, the smaller the score.
Keeping promises is much more important than money in people's minds. If there is a letter, then a friend is knitting; Without faith, you are lonely. Between belief and non-belief, people's tastes have changed.
Expand capital and keep promise, maintain righteousness, and do nothing without orders; His body is not straight, although he disobeys.
Dark clouds cover the moon, people can't see anywhere, and they can't tell how lonely they are.
Diligence, opportunity and optimism are the three elements of success. (Note: Traditionally, diligence and opportunity are the elements of success, but after statistics and analysis of successful people, optimism is the third element of success. )
If you are poor, you will be immune, and if you are rich, you will help the world. The most important characteristics of human beings are not executive ability, great mind, kindness, courage and sense of humor, although these are all important.
The goal of will does not exist in nature, but in life. It should not be eroded by painful worries and regrets. Lift your chin and let your mind shine, like a mountain spring jumping in the spring. Seize today, and it will never come back.
The new curriculum standard advocates open and independent learning, and English handwritten newspaper pro