The famous sentence of "benevolence" in The Analects of Confucius
1. [Original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Only the benevolent can be good and evil."
Confucius said, "Only those who are kind can love and hate others."
[Personal Analysis] When Confucius talks about benevolence, he should not only "love" but also "hate people". Only by being "benevolent" can there be a correct love-hate relationship.
2. [The Analects of Confucius] Fan Chi asked Ren, saying, "The benevolent, first fight for it, is also called the benevolent."
Fan Chi asked Confucius what benevolence was, and Confucius said, "Benevolent people have different opinions, and wise people have different opinions. When there is a harvest, he has to be behind others, which can be said to be a benevolent person. "
3. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan; The knower moves, and the benevolent is quiet; Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent are longevity. "
Confucius said: "love the water, a wise man, loves mountains;" Smart people are flexible, and benevolent people are single-minded. Wise people are happy, and benevolent people live long. "
4. [The Analects of Confucius] Zi Gong said, "If you can give to the people, how can you help them?" Can you call it a benevolent person? Confucius said, "What is benevolence? Will be holy! Yao Shun is still ill. Benevolent people want to be a man, but they want to be a man. It can be said that the benevolent side is already there. "
5. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Clever words make color, fresh and benevolent."
Confucius said: "People who are full of sweet words and smiles rarely show kindness."
6. [The original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "A man with lofty ideals will harm benevolence if he does not exist, but will die if he commits suicide."
Confucius said, "A benevolent man should not sacrifice his benevolence to save his life, but should give up his life and forget his death to safeguard his benevolence."
7. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Be knowledgeable and determined, and be good at asking questions and thinking; Benevolence is among them. "
Xia Zi, a translator, said: "Benevolence lies in extensive study, firm ambition, serious questions and thinking with practice."
The famous sentence of "righteousness" in The Analects of Confucius
1. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "A gentleman is righteous, and a villain is beneficial."
Confucius said, "A gentleman knows righteousness, but a villain knows self-interest."
2. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "Being unjust and rich is like a cloud to me."
The atom said, "Eat less, drink some water, bend your arms and rest with a pillow. It's really fun!" " Unjust wealth is like a cloud to me. "
Confucius said, "Eating coarse grains, drinking cold water and bending your arms as a pillow are endless fun! Obtaining wealth by improper means is like floating clouds to me. "
3. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: See it as right, and sacrifice your life for righteousness.
Atomic asked an adult, Confucius said: "If Zang Wuzhong's wisdom is not what the public wants, Bian Zhuangzi's courage is the skill of Ran Qiu;" Literature can also be a gift to adults. Say, "What is the necessity of being an adult today?" If you see what you want and don't forget your life for a long time, you can become an adult. "
Zilu asked how to be a perfect person, and Confucius said, "If you have the wisdom of Zang Wuzhong, Meng
Gong Chuo's abstinence, Bian Zhuang's bravery and Ran Qiu's versatility; If you increase your literary talent with rites and music, you can be considered perfect. "He added," why would a perfect man do that now? When he sees money and profits, he can think of morality; Seeing the national crisis, I am willing to give my life; If you are poor for a long time and don't forget your usual promises, then you are a man. "
4. [Original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "Know for the people and stay away from ghosts and gods." When asked about Ren, Confucius said, "Those who are benevolent suffer first."
Fan Chi asked what "wisdom" was, and Confucius said: "It is wise to concentrate (advocate) the benevolence and morality that people should follow, respect ghosts and gods, but stay away from them (don't indulge in seeking happiness by ghosts and gods)." Asked about benevolence again, he replied, "It is benevolence to suffer first and then be happy."
5. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "If you believe in the near righteousness, you can reverse your words. Ceremony is close to ceremony, far from shame. Because you don't lose your loved ones, you can abide by it. "
A son said: "keeping a promise must conform to righteousness, and it can only be implemented if it conforms to righteousness;" Respect should conform to the ceremony, so as to stay away from shame; Relying on reliable people is worthy of respect. "
6. [The original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "Those who are ambitious are straightforward and honest, and they are considerate of the following people."
Confucius said: "the real understanding is: the quality of integrity, understanding etiquette and justice;" Good at observing other people's faces; Always consider how to be modest. "
The famous sentence of "Li" in The Analects of Confucius
1. [Original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, don't move if you are evil."
Confucius said, "You can't watch unethical things, you can't listen to unethical things, you can't say unethical things, and you can't do unethical things."
2. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Self-denial is benevolence. If you deny yourself and yourself once a day, the world will return to kindness. Be benevolent, from yourself and others. "
Confucius said: "Restrain yourself and act according to the ceremony. This is benevolence. Once you restrain yourself and do according to the requirements of courtesy, everyone in the world will praise you as a benevolent person. You are benevolent, and benevolence is in yourself, but is it also in others? "
3. [The Analects of Confucius] A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most important thing in courtesy. Wang Zhidao is the most beautiful in Sri Lanka, depending on its size. What can't be done, knowing peace without courtesy, is not feasible. "
A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most important thing in the application of courtesy. This is the most precious thing about the ancient kings' way of governing the country and the principle handed down from generation to generation by sages. No matter how big things are, no matter how small things are, if we just do them in a harmonious way, sometimes it won't work. This is because according to the etiquette system, it is not feasible to be harmonious for the sake of harmony without restraint. "
4. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said, "What you do, others think it is flattering." Confucius said: "I serve the monarch in full accordance with the rules of Zhou Li, but others think it is flattering."
Confucius asked himself to serve the monarch in strict accordance with the Zhou Li Regulations all his life, which was his political and ethical belief. But being laughed at by others is flattering the monarch. This shows that the relationship between monarch and minister at that time has been destroyed, and not many people have paid attention to the ceremony of monarch and minister.
5. [The original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "If you are disrespectful at home, you will not mourn. How can I check it? "
Confucius said: "I am in a high position but I am not tolerant." I salute people without respect. Facing the funeral, I am not sad. What can I expect? " 6. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Can comity be for the country? He you! Can't comity be the country, such as courtesy? "
Confucius said, "If you can govern the country by courtesy, what is the difficulty?" ? The principle of comity cannot be used to govern the country. How can we practice politeness? "
7. [The Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature, which can be a gift or a husband!"
Confucius said: "A gentleman can study ancient cultural classics extensively and restrain himself with courtesy, so that he will not deviate from his original path."
8. [Original Analects of Confucius] Confucius said: "Being respectful and rude is tiring, being cautious and rude is embarrassing, being brave and rude is chaotic, and being straight and rude is twisted. Isn't benevolent important? Isn't it far after death? "
Confucius said, "It is futile to be respectful if you are not guided by courtesy; Just being cautious and not guided by ceremony will make you cringe and stiff; Courage without manners will get you into trouble. If you are straight and rude, you will talk quickly. If people with higher status treat their loved ones well, then the atmosphere of kindness will rise among ordinary people; The gentleman does not abandon his old friend, and the people are not indifferent to others. "
The famous sentence of "wisdom" in The Analects of Confucius
1. Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also.
The atom said, "Do you know how to teach women? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "
Confucius said, "Luz, do you know everything I told you?" Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. This attitude is wise. "
2. Serving the people and staying away from ghosts and gods can be described as the unity of knowing and doing.
When Fan Chi asked about it, Confucius said, "I know the meaning of serving the people and staying away from ghosts and gods." When asked about benevolence, he said: "A benevolent person can be said to be a benevolent person because he suffers first and then gains."
Fan Chi asked what "wisdom" was, and Confucius said: "It is wise to concentrate (advocate) the benevolence and morality that people should follow, respect ghosts and gods, but stay away from them (don't indulge in seeking happiness by ghosts and gods)." Asked about benevolence again, he replied, "It is benevolence to suffer first and then be happy."
4. The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan.
Confucius said: "smart people like water, and people with kindness like mountains;" Smart and intelligent people are proactive, and benevolent people are calm and steady; Smart and wise people are happy, and people with kindness live long. "
5. The benevolent does not worry; The knower is not confused; Brave people smile in the face of adversity.
The atom said, "A scholar is the Tao, but I am incompetent: the benevolent is not worried, the wise is not confused, and the brave is not afraid." Zi Gong said, "Confucius is the Tao."
Confucius said: "There are three ways for a gentleman, but I failed to do it: the benevolent is not sad, the wise is not confused, and the brave is not afraid. Zi Gong said: "(This is) your self-expression teacher! "
6. Confucius said: "Benevolence is beautiful, how can you know (zh)?"
Confucius said, "It is a wonderful thing to live with the benevolent. If you choose a place other than benevolent people, how can you say that you are wise? "
The famous sentence of "faithfulness" in The Analects of Confucius
1. Confucius said: "The country is a thousand times, respecting things and believing, saving and loving others, making the people timely."
Confucius said: "To govern a big country, we should seriously handle political affairs, pay attention to credit, save expenses, care for officials, and make rational use of people's resources according to the busy farming hours."
2. Confucius said: "Disciple, if you enter, you will be filial, if you leave, you will be sincere and trustworthy, and you will love others and be kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Confucius said, "My younger brother, Zi, is filial to his parents at home. When he goes out to respect his eldest brother, he is cautious and trustworthy, loves everyone and is kind to others. After doing this, there is still room for learning cultural classics. "
3. Xia Zi said: "Xi' an Xian Yi SE; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
Xia Zi said: "When you treat your wife, you can value her personality rather than her appearance;" Serving parents can do the best; Serve the monarch and give your life; When you associate with friends, you keep your word. Although (such a person) says he hasn't studied, I must say he has. "
4. Confucius said: "A gentleman who is not heavy is not arrogant; Learning is not solid. Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself. Don't change it after it. "
Confucius said, "If a gentleman is not solemn, he will have no dignity; If you engage in study, your study will not be consolidated. Faithfulness should be the leading thought. Don't be friends with people who are different from you. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to correct it. "
5. A Confucius said, "A word can be repeated if it is near to righteousness. Politeness is closer to politeness than shame. Because you don't lose your loved ones, you can still live in it. "
A son said, "Only when a promise conforms to the principle of justice can it be put into practice. Respect conforms to the principle of politeness, so as to avoid humiliation. Relying on your own relatives is reliable. "
6. Confucius said: "People without faith don't know what they can do. If there is no cart, what can it do? " Confucius said, "I don't know how to be a man without words and promises!" How can a car go without a cart and a car? "
7. Confucius taught four things: writing, action, loyalty and faith.
Confucius educated students from four aspects: ancient literature, code of conduct, treating people with things and being honest and trustworthy.
8. Confucius said: "Words must be kept, and actions must bear fruit. What a little man! Suppression can also be a second time. "
Confucius said, "Words must be done, and actions must bear fruit. This is a stubborn little man! But you can also count as a taxi. "
9. Zhang Ziwen is with Confucius. Confucius said, "It is a benevolent person to be able to do five things for the world." "I'm sorry." Say, "Be fair, tolerant, trustworthy, people-oriented, and benefit. Respect is not insulting, forgiveness is popular, faith is responsible, sensitivity is meritorious, and forgiveness can make people. "
Zhang Zi asked Confucius how to be kind. Confucius said, "Being able to apply five virtues to the world is called benevolence." Zhang Zishuo: "Which five?" Confucius said, "Respect, kindness, faithfulness, diligence and kindness." . Respect will not attract insults, generosity will win everyone's support, faithfulness will be appointed by others, diligence will lead to achievements, and kindness will command people. "
10. Ceng Zi said, "I visit three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? Ceng Zi said, "I reflect on myself many times every day: Didn't I try my best for others? Is it dishonest to treat friends? Isn't the class taught by the teacher often reviewed? "