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Famous quotes of Leonardo da Vinci
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Famous quotes of Leonardo da Vinci
Introduction: He is a profound, knowledgeable and versatile painter, astronomer, inventor and construction engineer. Today, Xiaobian shares with you Da Vinci's famous words for appreciation!
1. People's muscles should not be painted as a bag of walnuts or a bundle of carrots.
2. No matter what kind of knowledge you master, it is useful for intelligence. It will throw away useless things and keep good things.
3. A man who loves practice but doesn't stress science is like a sailor entering a ship without a rudder or compass. He is never sure where he is going.
4. Please don't read my basic works unless you are a mathematician. In Leonardo da Vinci's eyes, a line is understood as the trajectory of a point in a plane or space, or even the set of points defined by an equation in analytic geometry. A line has no width or thickness. Therefore, for westerners who lived after the Renaissance or accepted the idea of the Renaissance, the understanding of lines is based on geometry and mathematics)
5. If you have two loaves of bread, please exchange one for a daffodil.
6. The mating behavior and mating organs are so ugly that if it weren't for beautiful faces, beautiful clothes and the impulse to act, human beings would have become extinct in nature.