(or you can use "coma primero la comida")
2 En resumen, eso es imposible.
3 Me fui a buscar a Luna para jugar.Su madre dijo: " Por coincidencia,Luna acaba de salir".
4 De hecho, Sugiero queusted bebaté, sepuede Bajar de Peso.
(or you can replace Bajar de Peso with Es bueno para hacer dieta)
5pues, lo recordaré.
You can also use "si" for that "um".
6 En cualquier caso, debe llegar antes de las 3:.
7 No estoy acostumbrado a conversar con extra? OS.
What foreigners often say is: por ejemplo means "for example"
Have you just started?
estas empezando recien?
or estas comenzando ahora?
or acabas de comenzar
-29-6-11-1 "39
-Add a message
Thanks for your advice! You seem to be very good, like a master of western languages. It's a pity that I haven't seen your masterpiece yet. I hope I can learn from your translation in the future. Hehe ~ ~ You must not end up as "all talk and no practice"!
there is only one place in my message (answer) where I should use inoportunamente. rosa is right. I admit it. But there is only one mistake.
On the contrary, why didn't you mention rosa's Fui a buscarle a Luna a jugar? Is this a western language?
another: Se puede bajarse? Excuse me, what is bajarse written by rosa?
and "|En cualquiera cosa"?
propongo is the suggestion, while sugiero is the suggestion. Realmete means "in fact" and de hecho means "in fact". Hablar is "talking" and conversar is "chatting". Once again, who is wrong?
The most important point: bebas and tome are both applicable. You can type bebiendo té on googles, and you will find that the Spanish articles are all about bebiendo té, beber té, so my answer is absolutely correct!
Brother p>pincheanonimo, you can say whatever you want, but please don't mislead the questioner with false information! Maybe you understand? But in your answer, even beba can be wrong, and you can't see rosa's mistake, you should know a lot.
I'm sorry, I didn't read rosa's answer after I answered it, and I didn't want to refute rosa's answer, but I didn't know that this "master" figure was killed halfway to provoke, so I had to point out the problems. I deeply apologize to rosa! ! ! !
Hehe ~ ~ becomes a chat post
Your questions about me are both applicable.
for example,
1-Sugerir, which you admit is a suggestion. Recomendar is also a suggestion. There is no distinction between implied and explicit, and they are all "suggestions". When I suggested to my friend, sugiero que vayas ahora mismo. Just use sugiero, and there are countless examples.
2-beber is absolutely available here. I suggest you really post googles and yahoo with beber te or vino to see if foreigners use it this way. It's not whether you think it's appropriate or not, but that this usage does exist. Of course, I can also use TOMAR, but since I chose BEBA instead of TOMA, I don't think I will change it, because both are applicable.
3-MI MAMA ME DIJO and MI MAMA DIJO. I really didn't realize this if you hadn't revealed it. Thank you in advance. In fact, the short article mentioned "Mom said" instead of what Mom said to me, which caused me to translate with short jokes or short articles, and directly typed: JUAN DIJO: MAMA DIJO.
4-EN LA CENA and ANTE DE LA CENA. There is no problem with grammar. I don't mean before here, but before. The reason why I translated ANTE DE LA CENA "before dinner" is because ice cream is one of the sweet spots after Fan. Of course, the article mentioned eating ice cream first, that is, eating it before dinner, so I added ANTE "before dinner". I can only say that I added my own ideas, but there is no grammar barrier. Then the same "mom said", ROSA added ME DIJO to become "mom said to me". Why do you feel authentic again? You are really reading with colored glasses!
5- this extra? Os is even funnier when you say it, and you know both are the same. You are suspected of adding to the crime. Excuse me, extra If os means "strange", doesn't DESCONOCIDO mean "don't understand"? This paragraph of yours is totally aimed at me. Absolutely not.
Really, your western language is really good, but you are targeting the wrong person. There are definitely many uses, expressions and the same sentence in western languages, which can be changed by combining adjectives and verbs in three or more ways. But the original intention is absolutely not far away.
What I said is absolutely true. You can't deny another answer that you know is true from your point of view, which is unfair. You can make another statement, but when you want to overturn an answer, it must be because the answer is wrong, not because the answer is different from what you know! !
anyway, it's really nice to meet you!
Well, there's nothing to distinguish. As the saying goes, if you want to add a crime, why don't you have words? You can kill all my translations because ANTES missed an S, but ignore another person's "clear mistake". It's not difficult to associate it with the wrong answer. This is a matter of right and wrong, not that anyone who thinks it's authentic pretends not to see another person's "obvious mistake" and only picks on my clerical error (missing an S will be labeled as "grammatically unreasonable").
what you pointed out is just another usage, not that I translated it wrong. Once again, please post "bebiendo té" to search, and then talk about the reason why you can't use it like this!
In the future, if you have different usage or you think it is better, please write another answer directly for the questioner to choose. Don't use other accounts to discredit others' careful translation to support yourself. It feels unfair!
-----Sorry, there was a misunderstanding. I'd rather believe that you are not the same person. Apologize to you and rosa! ! (When I add a question, I will never erase or modify what I have replied before, so I keep this paragraph, sorry.)
Haha, I'm not a saint. Should I die if I make a mistake? Do you ask yourself if you have missed the word? Just Chinese. I didn't miss it. Did I miss it? If you catch something, you will pursue it, and you can erase everything! I'm telling you, if you catch my S today, you will catch more tomorrow. I'm not a professor at all, but I just happen to know some western languages!
Thank you for looking at the same question with different standards all the time, because you think highly of me, so I can't make mistakes. Others, who are wrong in the whole paragraph and have no grammar at all, can say, "I'd rather choose XXXX's answer? !
the other brother, please don't talk about the series? ! If you help more people, you will be upgraded. What does it have to do with the standard? I will remember it in the future. I am an old Huaqiao with poor hearing, hehe ~ ~