If the world loves each other and the lover loves himself, will there be unfilial people? If you treat your father and brother as your own, you are unfilial (? Are there any unkind people? Is it inhuman to treat your disciples and ministers as yourself? Therefore, there is no filial piety and no compassion. Are there any thieves? So, if a person's room is his room, who will steal it? Treat others as yourself. Who is the thief? So, the thief died. There are doctors who have lost their footing, and governors who attack the country? Who cares if someone is at home? If a country is a country, who will attack it? Therefore, the doctors were in chaos, and the princes attacked the country and died. The world loves each other, countries don't attack each other, families don't mess up, thieves aren't there, and the monarch, ministers and fathers can do their duty. If so, the world will be ruled.
Therefore, a saint who takes the rule of the world as his own duty cannot but be evil and persuade love. Therefore, love in the world is the rule, and evil is the chaos. So Mozi said, "Those who don't advise their lovers are also."
If the whole world loves each other, loving others is like loving yourself. Can it be unfilial? How can you be unfilial when you treat your father and brother as yourself? Will there be anything unkind? How can you treat your brothers, sons and lieutenants like yourself and do unkind things? So there is no filial piety and kindness. Is there a thief? Treat other people's homes like their own. Who would steal it? Who will harm others if they regard others as themselves? So the thief disappeared. Are there doctors who invade each other's families and governors who attack each other and seal the country? Treat other people's homes as their own. Who would violate them? Who will attack someone else's country as their own? So the doctors invaded each other's homes, and the princes attacked each other and sealed the country. It was all gone. If all the people in the world love each other, countries don't attack each other, families don't invade each other, thieves don't exist, and princes, ministers and sons can be filial and kind, like this, the world will be well governed.
Therefore, since saints are people who govern the world as their profession, how can they encourage love without prohibiting mutual hatred? So people in the world will be governed by loving each other, while hating each other will be chaotic. Therefore, Mozi said that "love for others cannot but be encouraged", which is the reason.