1. "The Analects of Confucius", "Family Language", "Historical Records" and other books say that Yan Hui was born in a poor peasant family and lived in a hut in a back alley. He used bamboo tubes as bowls to serve rice and ladles to serve rice. Drink water, but others are content with their poverty and ambition.
2. Confucius often praised Yan Hui’s conduct in front of his disciples. One day, the students wanted to give it a try, so they wrote the words “God sent Yan Hui” on a piece of gold, and then threw it across the wall. Entering Yan Hui's home, Yan Hui picked up the gold and threw it out without hesitation, saying, "God has given Yan Zi an ingot of gold. If you don't have wealth, you will be poor."
3. It is recorded in "Han Shi Wai Zhuan": Yan Yuan asked Confucius: "Yuan Yuan wants to be as poor as rich, as humble as noble, without courage but powerful, to communicate with scholars, and to live without troubles in his life, is that possible?" Confucius said: "It's good to go back." ! If a husband is poor, he is as contented as if he were rich; if he is humble, he is accommodating but courteous; if he is not courageous, he is respectful without losing sight of others; if he is in trouble all his life, he speaks out with his words. . If you return, it is the best! Even the ancient sages are like this." 4. "The Analects of Confucius Yong Ye Sixth" records that Confucius once praised Yan Hui: "A basket of food, a scoop." Drinking in a back alley, people can't bear the worries, and they won't change their joy when they return."