Roots, spreading under the earth, are everywhere, forming a solid foundation;
Buds look fragile, but in order to get sunlight, they can drill out hard brick walls.
If the problems facing our planet are like those hard brick walls,
Then, thousands of young people in Qian Qian all over the world, that is, Qian Qian, can absolutely break through the roots and buds of these brick walls.
You can change the world!
Everyone is important, everyone can play a role, and everyone can bring about change.
Only by understanding can we care; We will help only if we care; Only with our help can everyone be saved.
(Only by understanding can you care; Only care can help; Only with help can everyone be saved. )
Jane Goodall's famous words are often quoted by environmentalists. However, few people in the world have fought for the protection of endangered species like her.