Su Dongpo stayed in Huzhou for three years, and returned to Beijing after the expiration of three years. He thought that he had been demoted for offending Wang Anshi, and he had to visit Wang Taishi before returning to Beijing this time. Then go to see the son of heaven. So he rode towards the Prime Minister's House. When Su Dongpo came to Xiangfu, Wang Anshi was sleeping, and he was led to Wang Anshi's east study by the housekeeper Xu Lun for tea.
After Xu Lun left, Su Dongpo saw that the bookcases on the four walls were closed and locked, and there were only pens and inkstones on the desk, and there was nothing left. He opened the inkstone box and saw that it was a green inkstone, which was very radiant. Before the ink in the inkstone pool was dry, I tried to cover it up, but suddenly I saw a paper corner under the inkstone box. When I took it out, it turned out to be two unfinished poems, and I recognized the poem "Chanting Chrysanthemum" written by Prime Minister Wang. Su Dongpo did Sarah laugh: Say goodbye for three days and treat each other differently. When I was an official in Beijing in the past, the old teacher wrote thousands of words without thinking. Three years later, it will be different. This poem has only been written for two sentences, but it has never finished rhyme. It seems that Jiang Lang has exhausted his talents. Su Dongpo picked it up and read it again:
The west wind crossed the garden last night, blowing off yellow flowers and gold everywhere.
Su Dongpo laughed at these two poems as nonsense. He thought that winds are famous all year round: spring is gentle wind, summer is fragrant wind, autumn is golden wind, and winter is north wind. The first sentence of this poem says that the west wind belongs to gold, and gold is popular in autumn. With the golden wind, the leaves of the trees are yellow and the fragrance is scattered. The yellow flower mentioned in the second sentence is chrysanthemum. This flower blooms in late autumn, its nature belongs to fire, and it is most durable if it dares to fight with autumn frost. As you get old, it will burn and dry, and it will not fall. Isn't it wrong to say "yellow flowers are blown off the ground"? Su Dongpo couldn't help himself, so he picked up a pen to lick ink and continued his poem according to rhyme:
Autumn flowers are no better than spring flowers, so he told the poet to sing carefully.
after writing, Su Dongpo felt ashamed and revived. I thought: if the old master came to the study and saw this poem, it would be ugly in front of me; I wanted to take it away in a sleeve, but I was afraid of bringing Xu Lun into trouble. Thinking about it, I feel quite uneasy. Had to still fold the poem, under the inkstone box, step out of the study. At the head of the gate, he said to the gatekeeper, "When you come out, please tell him that Su has been here for a long time. As I have just arrived in Beijing, I haven't tidied up my watch. I will play the watch chapter early tomorrow and come to see you again. " Say that finish riding away.
a little later, Wang Anshi went into the east study room, saw the manuscript of the poem, asked the reason, recognized Su Dongpo's handwriting, said nothing, and hesitated in his heart: "Su Dongpo, despite repeated setbacks, remains frivolous. Qu Yuan's "Lisao" contains the poem "Autumn Chrysanthemum at Evening Dinner". He refused to admit that he was a poor scholar, but instead laughed at the old man! Tomorrow morning, I will play the son of heaven and demote him for the people. " He thought to himself, "Wait a minute, he didn't know that the chrysanthemum in Huangzhou fell petals, and he can't blame him!" " Later, Xu Lun was asked to take a look at the official vacancy register of Huguang. It was found that only Huangzhou Prefecture lacked a Yong ying deputy. In the early morning of the next day, Prime Minister Wang secretly played the son of heaven, but Su Dongpo was too weak to demote him to Huangzhou. Only Su Dongpo refused to accept that Wang Anshi had made a personal vendetta for changing his poems. There's nothing I can do, so I have to give thanks.
The next day, Su Dongpo left Beijing and hurried to Huangzhou on a starry night.
Su Dongpo is a friend of shu ke Chen Jichang in Huangzhou. However, hiking, drinking and writing poems, military affairs and people's feelings have nothing to do with autumn. Time flies, and it will be a year. On September 1st, the weather was fine, and Su Dongpo suddenly remembered: "The director of Dinghui Hospital once gave me several kinds of chrysanthemums and planted them in the backyard. Why not go and enjoy it today? " When Chen Jichang visited, Dongpo was overjoyed, so he took him to the back garden to see chrysanthemums. Walking under the chrysanthemum stand, I saw gold all over the floor, and there was no flower on the branch. Su Dongpo was stunned and speechless. Chen Jichang asked, "Why is Zi Zhan so surprised to see the chrysanthemum falling petals?" Su Dongpo said, "I often don't know the season. I usually see that this flower is just burnt and dry, and it doesn't fall." Last year, when I was in Prime Minister Wang's mansion, I saw his poem "Chanting Chrysanthemum" write: "The west wind crossed the garden last night, blowing yellow flowers and gold everywhere". The younger brother only said that the old master had made a mistake in writing, and specially added two sentences: "Autumn flowers are not as good as spring flowers, so I said that I should sing with the poet carefully.". But I don't know that the chrysanthemum in Huangzhou really fell! The old prime minister demoted me to Huangzhou to show me chrysanthemums! " Chen Jichang laughed: "Yes!" Su Dongpo sighed: "When my younger brother was demoted, I only thought it was Prime Minister Wang's personal vendetta. Who knows that he is good, but I am wrong. In the future, I will be modest and prudent, and I will not laugh at others easily. Alas, it's really nothing, you don't gain wisdom! "
Later, Su Dongpo made a special trip to Beijing to apologize to Wang Anshi.