The wise are happy in water, the benevolent are happy in mountains; the wise are active, the benevolent are still; the wise are happy, and the benevolent are long-lived.
When three people walk, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
I am determined to learn when I am fifteen, I am established at thirty, I am not confused at forty, I know my destiny at fifty, When you are sixty, your ears will be attuned; when you are seventy, you will follow your heart's desires without going beyond the rules.
The best is like water, which benefits all things without dispute. He is disliked by everyone, so he is close to the Tao. Live in a good place, have a good heart, be kind and benevolent, speak good words and have good faith, govern well, do good things and be able to do good things at the right time. The husband does not fight, so there is no need for you.
——Lao Tzu
The heaven and the earth are unkind and regard all things as weak dogs; the saints are unkind and regard the common people as weak dogs.
Difficult things in the world must be done with ease; great things in the world must be done with details.
50 essences from hundreds of schools of thought, each of which is an eternal saying worth memorizing! What else do you know?
The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest grain of grass; the nine-story platform is born from tired soil. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Riches and honors cannot be immoral, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be surrendered. This is called a true man.
If you are poor, you can help yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world.
Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust a great responsibility to this person, he must first suffer from hardships in his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body. , His body is depleted, and his actions are chaotic, so his mind and forbearance have been beneficial to what he could not do.
—— Mencius
It is better to forget each other in the world
—— Zhuangzi
You are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of fish?
—— Zhuangzi
My life also has limits, but my knowledge also has no limits. If there is a limit, then there is no limit, it is almost gone; for those who have known it, it is almost gone.
—— Zhuangzi
In life, if a white horse passes through the gap between heaven and earth, it will happen suddenly.
—— Zhuangzi
The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine; .
—— Zhuangzi
If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved.
If the age is not cold, there is no way to know the pines and cypresses; if things are not difficult, there is no way to know the gentleman.
If you don’t climb a high mountain, you don’t know how high the sky is; if you don’t face a deep stream, you don’t know how thick the earth is.
Those who know themselves do not blame others; those who know their fate do not blame heaven; those who blame others are poor, and those who blame heaven have no ambitions.
A gentleman is virtuous and able to tolerate others, knowledgeable and able to tolerate fools, knowledgeable and able to tolerate shallowness, pure and simple enough to tolerate miscellaneous things. .
—— p>
One must always be full with food, and then seek beauty; one must always have warm clothes, and then seek beauty; one must always have peace of mind, and then seek happiness .
Those who are originally turbid will not be able to flow clearly, and those who practice unbelief will lose their reputation.
If a husband loves others, others will love him; if he benefits others, others will benefit from him; if he is evil, others will benefit from him. He will do evil accordingly; if he harms others, he will be harmed by others.
—— Mozi
An embankment that is ten feet long will burst with the holes of ants; a room that is a hundred feet tall will be burned with smoke from the cracks.
—— Han Feizi
If you don’t have wings for three years, you will have wings; if you don’t fly or sing, you will observe the rules of the people. Although there is no flying, the flying will reach the sky; although there is no sound, the sound will be astonishing.
——Han Feizi
If you know yourself and the enemy, you will not be in danger in a hundred battles; if you do not know the enemy but know yourself, you will win and lose once; if you do not know the enemy and yourself, you will be in danger in every battle.
——Sun Tzu
50 essences from hundreds of schools of thought, each of which is an eternal saying worth memorizing! What else do you know?
The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and the third is to attack the city.
—— Sun Tzu
The method of using troops is to surround an enemy with ten points, attack it with five points, divide it with double points, and then the enemy can fight. , if it is less, it can be escaped, if it is less, it can be avoided.
—— Sun Tzu
The shape of a soldier is like water. The shape of water avoids heights and tends to go down. The shape of soldiers avoids reality and attacks the weak. . Water is controlled by the ground, and soldiers are controlled by the enemy. Therefore, soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape. Those who can win due to changes in the enemy are called gods!
——Sun Tzu
A person who has a solid warehouse knows etiquette, and a person who has enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace.
Anyone who is not diligent in learning must not be serious about his ambition.
—— Liezi
If you want to be strong, you must protect it with softness; if you want to be strong, you must protect it with weakness. If you accumulate softness, you will become strong; if you accumulate weakness, you will become strong. Observe its accumulation to know the land of misfortunes and blessings.
—— Liezi
Heaven and earth are not perfect, saints are not omnipotent, and all things are not fully useful
—— Liezi
36. The way of heaven is the way of nature, which is the principle of the birth, restraint and change of all things in the universe; the holy way is the way of the human world, which is the principle of peace, stability and harmony in the world; Humanity is the way of life, that is, the principle of living and working in peace and contentment and establishing a good life for others. These three paths complement each other, and if you lose one, you will be separated from the other. Far from the heavenly way, the holy way is difficult; far from the holy way, the human way is difficult.
If people are good, although blessings have not come, disaster has been far away; if people have been evil, although misfortune has not come, blessing has been far away.
A saint will make a mistake after a thousand worries; a fool will make a mistake after a thousand worries. There must be something.
——Yan Zi
Those who understand current affairs are heroes, and those who adapt to changes are heroes.
——Yan Zi
If the orange grows in Huainan, it becomes orange, and if it grows in the north of Huaihe, it becomes orange.
——Yan Zi
If you want to conquer others, you must first conquer yourself; if you want to judge others, you must first judge yourself; if you want to understand others, you must first judge yourself. Know.
——Lu Buwei
The decisive victory is achieved thousands of miles away by strategizing.
——Sima Qian
The bustle in the world is all for the benefit of coming; the hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit of the future.
——Sima Qian
The difficulty in governing a country is not to govern the good, but to cure the evil. Only by punishing evil can good be promoted, so if you want to eradicate private feuds, you must not be lenient in punishing the criminals.
——Shang Yang
Indifference makes one’s ambition clear, and tranquility leads to distance.
——Liu An
A gentleman does not hide his shortcomings. If he doesn’t know, he will ask, and if he can’t, he will learn.
——Dong Zhongshu
A wonderful person cannot always be harmonious, and not everyone can believe what he says.
——Wang Chong
The reason why you are respected is your order. If orders are not carried out, then there is no ruler, so the wise ruler should be careful with his orders.
——Shen Buhai
The way of ordinary people is to have small desires and big ambitions; to have round wisdom and square actions; to be able to desire More, less desire for things.
Therefore, there is nothing greater than loving others, and nothing greater than knowing others.
Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just a matter of time before death?
——Zeng Zi