For example, he said: "A country with a thousand chariots of Tao respects things and is trustworthy, is frugal and loves others, so that the people can keep their time." Another example is when Zhong Gong asked about politics. He said: "First there are ministers, and the minors are pardoned If you want to recruit talented people, he will sternly reprimand him and say, "You are not my disciple! It's okay for me to beat the drum and attack him." Confucius sympathized with the poor. Gongxi Chi envoys Qi, Ranqiu asks for millet for his mother, and gives him five grains. He said: "A gentleman in a hurry will not succeed in getting rich." Yuan Xian was the prime minister and resigned from nine hundred grains. He said: "No, it has nothing to do with your neighbor's country party." Confucius also has many attitudes and methods related to education and learning. famous sayings, such as "There is no distinction between teaching" and "Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing", "Hearing too much will lead to doubts", "When three people walk together, there must be my teacher", "Learning without thinking will lead to ignorance, thinking without thinking will lead to ignorance". If you don’t learn, you will perish” etc. Confucius attached great importance to the teaching of poetry in his life. He once said to his disciples: "Poetry can be exciting, contemplative, group-building, and resentful.
"This is the earliest literary review in our country