When Wang Rong was seven years old, he often played with many children. They saw a lot of fruit on the plum tree by the roadside, and the fruit bent the branches. Many children ran to pick plums, but only Wang Rong didn't move. Someone asked him why he didn't pick plums. Wang Rong replied, "There are so many plums on the roadside. It must be bitter plums. " Take it off and have a taste. It's true.
Original text:
Don't put Li aside.
Anonymous [Northern and Southern Dynasties]
Wang Rong is seven years old and tries to swim with other children. Look at the roadside. There are branches everywhere in Li Shu. The children are fighting for it, but they are unwilling to move. People asked him and replied, "There are trees on the roadside, but there are many seeds, which will make plums bitter." Accept it and believe it.
Introduction to the work:
The story "Wang Rong doesn't take detours" tells people to think more about things and the truth. You can't follow blindly.
Everyone should observe everything carefully, be good at thinking, make inferences and judgments according to related phenomena, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. At the same time, it tells people that when looking at things, we should not only see the appearance of things, but also dig deep-seated content through appearances.