1. Times are rare and easy to lose.
2. Those who accumulate are the great destiny of the world.
3. Mortal wisdom can see what has already happened, but cannot see what will happen. ----"Public Security Policy"
4. When the minister heard this, he said: "Although the shoes are fresh, you can't put a pillow on them; although the crown is bad, you can't use roe shoes." When he returned to the west, the realm of Nengjia was changed. The appearance of Nengjia was changed during the month of school. The officials recognized and fell down in reverence. The Neng family had a fault during the month of school. The order was abolished. It is okay to do it, it is okay to retreat to it, and it is okay to give it to death. If things happen, they will be liberated to do something, they will be tied to prison, they will be called Sikong, and they will be assigned to be apprentices. The chief disciple of Sikou Lao scolded him for being able to get the honors and cane in his school days, which was probably not the reason for the public to see him. When things become humble, those who learn to know the noble will be able to do it. Once I can add it, it is not because I can learn from the inner world, and it is not because I am noble and noble enough to be transformed. When things happen, the children of that family will be respected by them, and the common people will be favored by them. If the family dies within the study period of the month of death, then the family will be humiliated and humiliated.
5. There is no greater merit than removing evil until someone begins to do good, and there is no greater sin than removing good until someone begins to do evil.
6. In the Qin and Song Dynasties, her eyes and voices were directed towards her, and her power shocked the world. Foreign students wear urns, tie the ropes, and the master is angry, and gangsters are angry with their wives. They say that the sound of their eyes should be migrated to the Great Migration. They think that the four talents are not as good as those of middle-class people. There must be Zhongni, and Mo Zhai is angry with the husband. Xian, Tao Peng and Yidun's son Qi Fu is rich; he has been able to plant Wu Zi Qi Fu among them, and when he said that, his eyes and voice should rise to the great stubbornness. In Qian Mozi Qi Fu, he leads the tired and disadvantaged Zi Qi Fu to die, and the child becomes Baizi Qi Fu among all the people. , The voice of the eye should be directed towards the great attack on Qin; the wood should be chopped down as a soldier, the pole should be raised as the flag, and the voice of the crowd should be directed towards the great foreign students, and the voice of the eye should be directed towards the great Jingtian, such as winning grain. When students look at them, they will be heroic and handsome, so they learn to speak. When they speak, they should look towards the great destruction of the Qin clan. Just ignore the sound of the eyes and learn from the outsiders. You are not a weak person. Yongzhouzi said that Qi is good, and Wei Hanzi has solid Qi and is at ease. Mrs. Dai Shezi thought, "You are not the husband of Qi, Chu, Yan, Tang, Tian, ??Wei, Song, Wei, Zhongsheng, you are the eye-catching husband of Qi". To garrison a son's qi and his husband, it is not to fight against the Nine Kingdoms. The qi of a man should be facing the world; to make deep plans and consider the years, and to find the seeds to use soldiers and qi to carry out the way. Foreign scholars say that the sound of the eyes should be directed toward great success or failure, and the sound of the eyes should be directed toward great success or failure. The achievements are the opposite. How can we do it again? If you try to make your husband and Dai Shedu have a long life, and you can feel the four powers, you can't say that they are in the same year. Foreign studies use Qin's theory that the qi of just a few people is good, which leads to the qi of Wan Chengzi. It has been more than a hundred years since the Eight Prefectures of Preface were in line with each other. In my husband's family, Weihan is the palace; it is hard to say if one of them is going to do something, it will sound like a murderer in the Daqi Temple, and many people will die - "On the Passage of Qin"
7. Those who destroyed the six kingdoms, The Six Kingdoms are not Qin. The one who destroyed Qin was Qin, and he was better than a child. ----"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty"
8. "Heaven and earth are furnaces, creation is work; Yin and Yang are charcoal, and all things are copper." ----"Ode to Song Bird" < /p>
9. (For more than a thousand years, you have been a great poet who expressed his sincere desire to have Xiao Yaoguo feel that she was born thin and bearded. Angrily, he went to China and abroad, and left Beijing to go south after being criticized. Faced with the past The surging thank you, the whistling wind of his family, and the bursts of bamboo waves, all this makes her feel that she is a loser in life. Then the sleep that has washed away all her heart is only looking at sorrow, and the direction is like learning. To do that, one person, one person, one to learn, to do the whole universe, out of the next kind of heroic, the next kind of sudden acquisition, in the voice of the heart, you will be the next kind, Chinese literati In history, there may also be "The heart is still open when the wine is drunk, and there is a little frost on the temples. It doesn't matter if the child becomes someone else's family!" There may also be "Who is afraid? A misty rain will make the eyes watery." There may also be "People have joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, but then It seems that she has both good and bad fortunes, and her fortunes are as good as those of ancient times. "Neng also has "Da Xie and Zhen Na go, the waves are gone, and the romantic figures of the ages" can still be used today. For the merchants to steal, "Every day I eat only a hundred lychees, I will give birth to a Lingnan native of another family." The whole time in Japan, you are engaged in vigorous and vigorous propaganda, and this can be regarded as another use. With its own source. )
10. Habits and wisdom are long, so you are not ashamed; transformation and heart are formed, so the middle way is like nature. ----"New Book"
11. If the husband's sexual disorder is not cured now, it will definitely become a chronic disease.
12. When you are an important soldier to conquer the emperor, work hard to open up the spirit of your soldiers. If you want to boost your strategy, use your eyes and voice to go to the Great Imperial Palace. If you want to swallow two weeks, you should use your eyes and voice. To destroy the feudal lords in the great empire, to march with respect and to speak with the eyes and voice to control the world, to strike and beat with the voice of the eyes and to whip the great beasts, to learn from the great foreigners with the voice of the eyes, and to inspire the power of the outer seas. Taking the theory of Baiyuezi's angry husband from the south, he thought that Guixiao and Du were born in counties; Baiyuezi was angry with his husband, bowed his head and tied his neck, and appointed his subordinates. He made Meng Tian build the Great Wall to the north and said that his eyes and voice should be used to defend the fence, and he would anger the more than 700 Xiongnu who should not go to the border. You should complain to the great leader. So he abolished the Song Dynasty's Qi Fu Dao, burned hundreds of family members to Qi Fu's words, and used stupid Guizhou heads; he made the city famous and killed heroes; he closed his eyes and sent his disciples to the outside world to Qi Fu soldiers, gathered his Zi Qi Fu Xianyang, and sold Feng Dy. I think that this is the case in the real world, so with a weak voice, I should ask the foreign students to take action. Foreign scholars should practice Huahua City toward the boundary. The river in the heart of the boundary is a pool. According to Yi Zhangzi Qifu City, in the event of an unexpected event, Zi Qifu Yuan is considered solid. A good boy is a strong crossbow guard. He has suffered harm to his son and angry husband. Dai Guocheng, a trustworthy minister and an elite soldier, said with his eyes and voice that he should make another move. The eyes and voices should be learned from the outside world. The scholar has the heart of the prince and his husband. He thinks that the prince's Qi and husband are solid in Guanzhong, so he should not go to the world. The son of Emperor Pan, Song Wan, is the cause of your scholar's Qi and husband. ---- "On the Passage of Qin"
13. As for the First Emperor, he mobilized the remaining warriors of the Sixth Dynasty, vigorously promoted the strategy and controlled the inner world, swallowed up the princes for two weeks, acted as the supreme and controlled Liuhe, and held the hammer He flailed and whipped the world, and his power shook the world. ---- "On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty"
14. Water flows with its back and its source is exhausted, and trees lose their roots but do not grow. ---- "Cherishing the Oath"
15. On passing through the Qin Dynasty, Qin Xiaogong's official letter was only solid, and Yongzhou was only gone. Next, if you want to conquer the world, you will only conquer the sea if you want to include it, and if you want to swallow up all the waste, you will swallow up all the waste. At that time, Shang Junzuo Ran was only completed, and he was the first to carry out many laws and regulations. He was engaged in farming and weaving. So the people of Qin handed over and went out to take the throne. However, they were only born in Chengdu. Since Duke Xiao, Huiwen, Wu, Zhaoxiang and Meng had their old karma, he followed my legacy policy and took Hanzhong from the south. After that, he was able to lift Ba and Shu, and then cut off the rich and fertile land and harvested it from the north. The most powerful family can do harm, but it can only become a county. The princes are afraid, and they will join forces and bring out alliances to weaken the Qin. They don't love the precious treasures and fertile land, but they can only go away. When this was accomplished, Qi had Mengchang, Liao Youmo Shuoyuan, Chu had Chunshen, and Wei had Xinling. Therefore, those who attack the king are wise and loyal, generous and loving, respecting the virtuous and honoring their queens, as if they were Li Heng, including Jian, Wei, Yan, Chu, Qi, Liao, Song, Wei, Zhong and Fengran. Into the crowd. So the Six Kingdoms only became the queen, with Ning Yue, Zhu Shang, Su Qin, and Du Heran only becoming subordinates; Qi Ming, Zhou Zui, Peng Zhen, Zhao Hua, Lou Su, Zhai Jing, Su Li, Le Yiran only became a disciple to understand his meaning - "On the Passage of Qin"
16. The emperor inherited Jiahui and was about to commit a crime in Changsha. When I heard about Qu Yuan's death, I fell into a trap. To support the Xiangliu River, I pay homage to Mr. Many people suffer from Wangjixi and die. Alas, this is an ominous time! Luan and phoenix are flying, owl and owl are flying. ?The velvet nobles are showing up, and the flattery is successful; the sages are dragging their backs, and the back is planted upside down. It comes from saying that Boyi is greedy, and that thieves and Zhi are honest; Mo Xie is Dunxi, and the lead knife is ?. I am sighing, it is time to give birth to the seed again!
17. One person is unable to clothe himself while studying, and he will die in the cold if he wants to and can’t, but he can get soup; It's impossible to get it if you die and starve.
18. If it can come out, it can be formed, it can come out, it can be opened. It is like a furnace, creation is work; Yin and Yang are charcoal, and all things are copper. When the news comes together, is there any reason to be careless? ---- "Ode to Song Birds"
19. This Shanlan is less useful than the next year, and it will make Meng Xia laugh as soon as possible. The sun is setting in Gengzi, and Song Ji is giving up. He stopped sitting in the corner, looking very leisurely. Foreign objects come and gather, and I blame them. I sent a book to account for this ratio, and prophesied how it would be, saying: "Wild birds come into the house, and the people of Chengguo come out as soon as they are sent out." Please also change the master Nian Xiaojia to Songxi: "I will give birth to this ratio. "Is it good to tell me that the disaster will come soon?" Song sighed, raised his head and raised his wings; he couldn't speak, so he said: "All things are moving." Transformation, solid rest. The child that has flowed through has changed into an object, or the child that has been pushed has changed into an object. .
The Mounage is poor, but Zhong Keshengyan! Misfortunes are where blessings depend, and blessings are where misfortunes lie; sorrow and joy gather at one door, and good and bad are in the same place. If Bi Zhuo is strong, the Taoist army will be defeated; if Yue Qiu exceeds Ji, Gou Jian will not be able to dominate the army. ---- "Ode to the Birds"
20. Promote benefits and eliminate harm, respect the Lord and bring peace to the people
21. If there is no good manners, there will only be ten or more people who smile at you. In other words, it's like treating a child to a child, but if you don't teach someone to warn you, you can't stop it.
22. The country is based on the people, the king is based on the people, and the officials are based on the people.
23. Don’t be careful when you get out of the way, and don’t be careful about doing harm. Only righteousness lies.
24. The national ear forgets home, and the public ear forgets private interests, so it is necessary to be strict about what is said and what to do.
25. Before stealing the trace, most of the strong will rebel first. If Dong Chu of Huaiyin is the strongest, he will be the first to rebel; if Dai Dongxin relies on Du, then everyone will rebel; if Guanzhong naturally looks down on Zheng Zi, then everyone will rebel; if Wei Wei has the best soldiers, then everyone will rebel If Peng Yue uses Ruan, then the individual objects will react against each other; if Ting Bu uses Huainan, then the individual objects will react against the enemy; if Lu Wan's country wants the weakest sky, then it will become the country in the west and we will rebel. There are 25,000 households in Changsha. If there are insufficient things and the wind is reversed, then the family will be the most complete within a few months of study, and the family will be the most loyal and full of flesh and blood within a few months of study. When Changsha became a country, I went back to the west. He was not an independent person, and his situation was that of others in the family circle. ...To put it bluntly, because of his small size, he can make a living for his family within a month of schooling!
26. The monarchs and ministers stood firm to get a glimpse of the Zhou Dynasty, and they swept the land to the mountains and the people, including everything in the world, including being able to be as careless as the sea, and being ambitious as if they were swallowing up eight wastes... Called to be a great soldier, Feng Ma can call the masses in every possible way to attack Qin; break trees into soldiers, raise poles into flags, gather people to ring in the mountains, and win food here. Jingkai is right... My heart is still full of wind and dead hands. For the sake of the earth and the people who go to the mountains to get something, are you going to do it? If benevolence and righteousness are not applied to us, our offensive and defensive behavior will be likened to the general situation.
27. Be indifferent and enjoy yourself, taking in the breath of the crowd and soaring. If you want me to live forever and be immortal for a long time, it is better to return to my hometown. ---- "Songs of the Chu"
28. I respectfully accept Jiahui, but I am guilty of Changsha; I hear about Qu Yuan, and I sink into Miliao. When you build the Xiang River, I pay homage to you. If you are defeated by the army, you will be in vain, and you will die. Alas! The time is ominous. Luan and phoenix are flying, and owl and owl are soaring. The velvet nobles are showing up, and their flattery is successful; the sages are dragging their backs, so that they can be planted upside down. If you are not in the army, you are also called Sui and Yixi. It is said that Zhi and Qiao are honest; Mo Xie is blunt and the lead knife is sharp. Sighing silently, this situation is old than that; the Zhou Ding is discarded, and the precious health is gone. The oxen is driven up in the air, and the donkeys are riding; the army is also used as ears, and the salt carts are served. Zhang Fu's recommendation gradually won't last long. Mr. Ku, I can't bear this blame alone. ---- "Ode in Tribute to Qu Yuan"
29. The car in front is overturned, and the car behind is warned. ----"Public Security Policy"
30. The sword must cut. 15 classic sayings of Lieh Tzu
1. To practice virtuous behavior and leave the path of self-virtuous people, is it okay to live in peace without loving it? (Those who behave virtuously but do not consider themselves virtuous will be welcomed by people no matter where they are) ----"Liezi. Huangdi II"
2. Those whose eyes are blind can see things before their eyes; A person who is about to become deaf will first smell the flying gnats; a person whose mouth will be refreshed, first recognize the sound of a worm; a person who is about to have a suffocated nose, first feel burnt and rotten; a person who is about to become stiff, first feel the urgency to run away; a person who is about to be confused, first know right from wrong: the old things are not Those who reach it will not do the opposite. ----"Liezi Zhongni"
3. The five emotions, likes and dislikes, the safety of the four bodies, the joys and sorrows of the world, are the same in ancient times and today, and people are just like me. Everyone treats each other the same way, which harms the greatness of the whole country but benefits others. He knows the world and serves the people of the world. ----"Liezi"
4. Changes can be achieved in a short time, because of changes in behavior. ----"Liezi·King Mu of Zhou"
5. Your heart is so stubborn that it cannot be penetrated. Translation: Your thoughts are stubborn and stubborn to the point of being unchangeable. ----"Liezi·Tang" Question》
6. When farmers go to work, business interests are profitable, workers pursue skills, and officials follow the trend. This is because of the trend; however, there are floods and droughts in agriculture, gains and losses in business, success or failure in work, and whether officials have good luck. It's fate. ----"Liezi·Li Ming"
7. The wise old man smiled and stopped and said: "It's so bad, you are not doing favors. With the remaining strength of my remaining years, I have never been able to destroy a hair on the mountain. What's the matter like earth and stone?" The Foolish Old Man of Beishan took a long breath and said, "Your heart is so strong that it cannot be penetrated. You are no better than a widowed wife and a weak son.
Even after my death, my sons will survive; my sons will beget grandchildren, and my grandsons will beget sons; my sons will have sons, and my sons will have grandsons; my descendants will have endless deprivations, but if the mountain does not increase, why bother to be peaceful? "The wise old man died in Hequ. ---- "Liezi Tangwen"
8. In this world, Guan Bao is said to be a good friend, but Xiaobai is good at making use of his talents. However, there is no good friend, and it is really useless. Ability. If there is no good friendship and no ability, then it means that he is more friendly and can make better use of it. If Zhao Hu is not able to die, he will have to die; if Uncle Bao is not able to promote the virtuous, it is not because he does not do so; if Xiao Bai is not able to use hatred, It has to be used. ---- "Lie Zi Li Ming"
9. "The heaven and the earth are not perfect, the saint is not omnipotent, and all things are not fully useful." Therefore, the vocation of heaven is created, the vocation of earth is shaped, the vocation of the priesthood is enlightened, and the responsibilities of things are appropriate. ” ---- "Lieh Tzu"
10. Even if a drunk man falls into a chariot, he will not die even though he is ill. The joints are the same as human beings, but the harm done is different from human beings. He knows that even if he falls, he will not be afraid of life and death. That is why he is not frightened by anything. Peter is all about wine, but what if he has the whole son in heaven? Yes. ---- "Liezi Huangdi"
11. The lingering sound lingers around Liang Li for three days.
12. If the shape is wrong, the shadow will be straight. - "Lieh Zi·Shuo Fu"
13. I heard it sideways and tried to tell my daughter: What is born is not born, what is transformed is not transformed. It can be transformed. What is born cannot be unborn, and what is transformed cannot be unborn. Therefore, those who are always born and transformed are always born and transformed. Yin and Yang are not born, and those who are not born in the four seasons are doubtful. Transformation comes and goes.
14. It is nothing like tranquility, nothing like emptiness. Being emptied of tranquility means gaining its place; taking it and giving it away will lead to the destruction of the people. Those who dance with benevolence and righteousness cannot recover.
15. Those who are strong in color are arrogant, and those who are strong in strength cannot speak.
16. The encounter with God is a dream. It is a matter of taking things into account. Therefore, those who think about the spiritual form in the day and night will disappear. If they believe in the dream, they will forget it. Sleeping without dreaming, what nonsense are you talking about?
17. Anyone who values ??externality is ignorant of the inside----"Liezi Huangdi"
18. Compassion in life and donation in death--- - "Lie Zi Yang Zhu"
19. If the shape is wrong, the shadow will be curved, but if the shape is straight, the shadow will be straight. ·Shuo Fu"
20. Those who gain the right time will prosper, and those who lose the time will perish. ----"Lieh Zi·Shuo Fu"
21. If people do not respect themselves, they will be in danger.
22. Therefore, what is valuable is wisdom, and what is precious is keeping me; what is despised is strength, but the body is not mine, and since it is born, it must be taken care of. ---- "Liezi"
23. If people want to see what they don't see, they will look at what others don't see; if they want to get what they can't see, they will do what others don't do. ----"Liezizhongni"
24. Wisdom is precious, keeping oneself is precious, strength is cheap, invading things is cheap. ---- "Liezi Yang Zhu"
25. Beautiful words sound beautiful. Evil reverberates evil. ---- "Lieh Zi·Shuo Fu"
26. Reasons are not always right, and things are not always right. ----"Lieh Zi·Shuo Fu"
27 , The fish that swallows the boat does not swim in the branches, and the swans fly high and do not gather in the filthy pond. ----"Liezi Yang Zhu"
28. However, the name of the minister is not worthy of his power. , Isn’t it true that those who can use their strength will be better than those who fail to use their strength? ----"Liezizhongni"
29. Guan Yinzi said: "That's right. Keep it and don’t lose it. It's not just shooting alone, it's the same for the country and the body. Therefore, the sage does not examine life and death but examines why things are the way they are. ” ---- "Lieh Zi Shu Fu"
30. Can be yin or yang, soft or hard, short or long, round or square, alive or dead, hot or cold, floating It can sink, it can go out and it can disappear, it can be mysterious and yellow, it can be sweet and bitter, it can be intoxicating and fragrant. It has no consciousness and no ability; but it is omniscient and omnipotent.
1. You were once a student of Chinese and Western studies, and your spirit filled us among us. Your shadow was once the light that illuminated our faces.
----"The Prophet"
2. Just like a teacher thinking of a child, if you are afraid and only seek the peace and fun of love, it is better to cover your naked body and escape. Those who are out of love will use the valley to meet the moon, and escape into a realm where only the winds in winter and summer are strong. You can go here in Zi Xiangran's battle with Xiangran, but it's a pity that you can't give up all your money. This is called Zai Ge. You can really cry in Zi Xiangran's battle with Xiangran, but it's a pity. I can't cry all your tears. ----"The Prophet"
3. If people are forced, the good in them will be unnatural. Even if people are buried, the evil in them will not be eliminated. ----"Emotion and Thought"
4. In my teachings, prayer is a wish for existence, a yearning for life, a finite will versus an infinite will pursuit. ---- "Sand and Foam"
5. I am as almighty as you were when you left, so that I can become stronger; I build my throne on top of the pile of your corpses; I am the only one who can tell the day. In front of her, I lowered my head and felt sorry for myself. I could only kiss my clothes on the tenth day of the month, but I didn’t dare to look up and said that my country was born without my appearance. ----"Prophet"
6. The disasters we endure will become our crown in the future.
7. Inconsistency may be a recent occurrence when thinking about it. ----"Sand and Foam"
8. The entire earth is my motherland, and all humans are my fellow citizens. ----"Tears and Laughter·To Those Who Blame"
9. The human soul has talked with nature several times, but man stood there, dumbfounded, perhaps with tears instead. Words, because tears are the best translators. ----"Selected Prose by Kahlil Gibran"
10. Love, in addition to showing oneself in meetings, is the most important thing in the affairs of the country.
11. If you leak to the wind If you have revealed your secret, you should not blame the wind for revealing it to the woods. ----"Sand and Foam"
12. I do want you to be happy, but I don't want your happiness to exclude me. You should still struggle and suffer! Then, wait for me to rescue you. If you grow up in darkness, you will never be able to get rid of poverty and lowliness, without any arrogant capital. You cried, you begged, you longed... At this time, I appeared. As long as I give you a little light, you will burst into tears of gratitude. As long as I give you a little bread, you will be loyal to me. If I give you a little more tenderness, you will be willing to tie grass, hold a ring in your mouth, and spread your liver and brain all over the ground...stay by my side obediently. Although this will hurt you, but otherwise how could you belong to me. ----"Prophet"
13. The roots are flowers that disdain glory. ----"Sand and Foam"
14. No, our lives were not in vain. Didn't they pile our bones into a fortress? Nay, we have not lived in vain.Have they not built fowers of our bones? ----"Selected Prose of Kahlil Gibran"
15. You said to me: "I don't understand you." This It just praises me too much and insults you for no reason. ----"Sand and Foam"
16. The quality of a person's thinking does not lie in the fact that he can't think of anything when he doesn't think about it. When there is no advantage, you will show your back and eat your husband. By the way, if you want to know that a lot of people don’t get it when they go out with someone and listen to unspoken thoughts. profit. What I say only half the time makes more sense; I say it so that perhaps he will not hear half as much of it as you will. ---- "Sand and Foam"
17. You always pray in times of sorrow or need. I hope you will also pray in times of full joy and abundance. ----"The Prophet"
18. Faith is the oasis in the heart, which can never be reached by the camels of thought. ---- "Sand and Foam"
19. How strange - all my virtues have brought me harm, but my vices have brought me no harm at all! But I still cling to virtue.
----"Sand and Foam"
20. If their statements about good and evil are all correct, then my life is just a long-term crime. ----"Sand and Foam"
21. I have despised and despised my own soul seven times. The first time was when I saw her pretending to be humble in order to rise. The second time was when he saw her limping in front of the lame man. The third time she had to choose between difficulty and ease, he chose Yi Shi. The fourth time she made a mistake, but comforted herself by saying that others had made the same mistake. The fifth time was when she tolerated weakness and regarded this tolerance as strength. The sixth time was when she despised an ugly face, but she didn't know it was another mask of her own. The seventh time was when she sang carols but thought it was a virtue----"Sand and Foam" < /p>
22. A person has a complete me, a person who wakes up in the dark country will get it, and a person who sleeps in the light will get it. ----"Sand and Foam"
23. What does it mean to feel bad about water? Isn't evil the first kind of good that suffers from the hunger and thirst of its own style? Indeed, when good is hungry, it is as if it is looking for food in a dark cave. Drink the first month. ----"The Prophet"
24. Except through the night, people cannot go to dawn. Unless my heart is broken, how can the human world be opened?
25. When you know the secret of life, you will want to die, because death is the deepest secret of life. He who is strangled by the voices of the past can never talk to the future. A man who does not condone a woman's shortcomings will never know a woman's strengths. Love that cannot be renewed every day will become a habit and soon turn into slavery. We cannot understand each other if we cannot reduce the language to seventy words. ----"Kibran Prose Poetry Classic"
26. Give me silence, and I will challenge the night. ---- "Sand and Foam"
27. Even if you can restrain the drum, you can still loosen the strings of the piano, but who can order the skylark to stop singing? ----"The Prophet"
28. All generous actions have sacrifices
29. In fact, what you call freedom is the strongest chain, although its chain The rings sparkle in the sunlight, bewildering your eyes. When the shadow fades, the remaining light becomes the shadow of another light. ----"Prophet"
30. In friendship, without words, all thoughts, all wishes, all hopes occur and are enjoyed in silent joy. 15 classic quotes from Ayumi Hamasaki
1. The years when I loved you were my last miracle (momentum)
2. Although the season has changed, there is still a chill in my spine Heart-piercing (Memorial Address)
3. The things you long for feel so beautiful, and it is because they are difficult to reach that they shine even more. The fragments of your broken dream pierced my chest, carving them into unforgettable pain. If I were as fleeting as a flower, I believe I would bloom brightly beside you, and then quietly wither away alone after witnessing your smile. If I could fly like a bird, I believe I would fly to your side and give my wings to your injured back. If I could drift like the wind, I believe I would blow to your side. If I can shine like the bright moon, I believe I will always shine on you. I'd be anything to save you from having to see anything scarier than that.
4. No matter how lonely you are, no matter how painful you are, never close your feelings. Even if you don’t know what to say, no matter how hard you say it, you will give up on yourself. Once you fall, you will still touch yourself with both hands. That's what protection is all about
5. Don't remember the things you don't want to forget? The things you can't forget are always felt silently
6. Although there is no happiness at all But I started to know how to fake a smile, have I changed too much (Heartplace)
7. Why am I not sad yet burst into tears, because I miss you so much (JEents)
21. It’s incredible that the night has become so lonely just because of your absence (HAppY ENDING)
22. As you drag your exhausted body into sleep, I hold my breath and stare at you. The only face in the world that understands me, the beloved and defenseless face (JEWEL)
23. How many years have we gone through together, how many journeys have we walked together so far, and what we have left behind is not perfect, but it is It was brilliant before and now those crystals here are shining with the glory of pride
24. This era is full of too much information and temptation. That’s why we have to live in our own choices (Talkin2 Myself)
25. I don’t think I am very avant-garde, I just dress up as I please and according to my own ideas. If I have any experience in makeup and dressing up, it is that I will never be easily influenced by external fashion trends, because I know that not all popular elements are suitable for me. For me, only what suits me is fashionable. I am confident that I can create a fashion.
26. What is your current dream? Don’t tell me! I won’t tell you until your dream comes true!
27. Everything is due to the bad times. We have lost our faces. We only know how to hold on to our lives and survive. Come on, let us stand up together. You have to defeat yourself
28. Crying is not that simple, nor is it just acting like a baby all day long. Because we are not dolls who can only dress up beautifully (my names WOMEN)
29. This year is another season where memories become more distant and the ambiguous boundary between dreams and reality becomes more A bit thicker. ?Despite this, there was never a trace of falsehood in the dreams I once told you.
30. Please remember again that your dreams and hopes for tomorrow were born and descended in the water at the same time. Yes, it's all here on earth (A Song is born)