Life of Nietzsche
Author: Yueryueryouyayou Submission date: 2004-05-22 16:07
Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844 Located in the town of Lutzen near Lucerne in Sachsen.
On July 10, 1849 (when he was five years old), Nietzsche’s father died of encephalomalacia due to a fall.
1850 (age six) The family moved to Naumburg an der Serre.
From October 1858 (fourteen years old) to September 1864, he studied at the Pforta School, a liberal arts high school in Naumburg.
In October 1864 (twenty years old), he entered Pione University to study theology and classical philology.
In October 1865 (twenty-one years old), he transferred to the University of Leipzig to continue his studies. Read Schopenhauer's "Will and the World of Representation" for the first time.
1866 (Twenty-two years old) began to associate with Erwin Lord, a disciple of Richell.
In October 1867 (twenty-three years old), he was recruited into the Namburg Artillery Regiment. He was accidentally thrown from his horse and his sternum was seriously injured.
1868 (24 years old) died due to injury in April. I first met Richard Wagner in Leipzig on November 8th.
In February 1869 (twenty-five years old), he was appointed as associate professor of classical philology by the University of Basel, Switzerland. In April, he received a doctorate from the University of Leipzig, left Jinrus and became a Swiss. On May 17, he visited Wagner's home for the first time in Tribesing, near Lucerne. On May 28, he delivered his inaugural lecture "Fan Ma and Classical Philology" at the University of Basel. Began a relationship with Jacob Burckhardt.
Promoted to full professor in March 1870 (26 years old). In September, when the Franco-Prussian War broke out, he worked as a volunteer guard and suffered from dysentery and diphtheria. In October, he returned from the army to the University of Basel, where his friendship with theologian Franz Overbeck began.
1871 (Twenty-seven years old) wrote "The Birth of Tragedy".
In January 1872 (twenty-eight years old), "The Birth of Tragedy" was published. From February to March, he gave a lecture entitled "The Future of German Educational Facilities" in Basel (published for the first time as a posthumous work after his death). In April the Wagner family moved away from Tribesing. In May, he met Wagner again at the foundation laying ceremony of Beirut's Festival Theater.
1873 (Twenty-nine years old) The first part of "Untimely Investigations" "The Penitent and the Writer David Strauss" was published. Published a fragment of "The Philosophy of the Greek Tragedy".
In 1874 (thirty years old), he published the second part of "Untimely Investigation" "The Pros and Cons of History on Life" and the third part "Schopenhauer the Educator".
In October 1875 (thirty-one years old), he met the musician Reter Gast (real name Heinrich Koselitz) for the first time.
In July 1876 (thirty-two years old), the fourth volume of "Untimely Investigations" "Richard Wagner in Bayreuth" was published. In August, the Beirut Theater performed its first festival drama. In September, a friendship with psychologist Raul Ree began. The condition worsens. In October, he took a leave of absence from the University of Basel due to illness. Spent the winter in the Solent with Roe and Meissenbücke. From October to November, he had his final meeting with Wagner in Sotrin. Wrote and printed the initial memorandum of "Human, Too Human".
In September 1877 (thirty-three years old), he returned to Basel and returned to teach at the university.
1878 (34 years old) The friendship with Wagner ended. On January 3, Wagner sent Nietzsche a copy of Parsifal. May Nietzsche's last letter to Wagner. And sent the book "Human, Too Human".
1878 (thirty-five years old) became seriously ill. Resigned as professor at the University of Basel. The first half of the second volume of "Human, All Too Human" is published.
In 1880 (thirty-six years old), he published "The Drifter and His Shadow", which was later published as the second half of the second volume of "Human, All Too Human".
"Dawn" was published in June 1881 (thirty-seven years old).
I listened to Bizet's "Carmen" for the first time in Genoa on November 27th.
"The Science of Joy" was published in May 1882 (38 years old). And began to conceive of "An Attempt to Revalue All Values".
In February 1883 (thirty-nine years old), Wagner died of illness. Wrote the first part of "Thus Spoke Chalas Waira" and published it in June. Wrote the second part in July.
In January 1884 (forty years old), he wrote the fourth part of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in Nice (privately published in 1885).
1885 (forty-one years old) wrote "Beyond Good and Evil".
1886 (forty-two years old) met Erwin Roeder for the last time in Leipzig from May to June. In July, "Beyond Good and Evil" was published.
1887 (forty-three years old) completed "The Genealogy of Morals" in July and published it privately in November.
In April 1888 (forty-four years old), Brandes, a Danish literary historian living in Turin (Torio), gave a lecture on "German Philosophy and Friedrich Nietzsche" at the University of Copenhagen. "The Wagner Affair" was written from May to August and published in September. "Hymn to Dionysus - Dionysus" is out of draft. From August to September, he wrote "Twilight of the Idols" (published in 1889). In September, he completed "Anti-Christian" and from October to November he wrote "Lo! This Man", in December he wrote "Nietzsche Against Wagner", which was collected and published posthumously.
In January 1889 (forty-five years old), he suffered a severe stroke in Turin and developed schizophrenia. He was sent to the psychiatric department of the University Hospital of Jena, and his mother came to take care of him.
In 1897 (53 years old) Easter, my mother died of illness. He moved to Weimar with his sister, who took care of him.
Died in Weimar on August 25, 1900 (56 years old). He was buried in his hometown of Leken Town on August 28.
Nietzsche’s Thoughts
2005-5-1 13:25:01
The term “Nietzsche’s Thoughts” is inconsistent with Nietzsche’s true thoughts. , Nietzsche is first the terminator of metaphysics, anti-metaphysics, and then formation of metaphysics. However, humans must understand Nietzsche’s anti-metaphysics through metaphysics, so the formulation of “Nietzsche’s Thoughts” itself is secondary.
Nietzsche is the ultimate completer of Western metaphysics. "Metaphysics" only has the meaning of value in Nietzsche's thought. Once the ideological system is completed, it is only a kind of metaphysics. Therefore, Nietzsche himself has been rejecting the construction of Nietzsche's ideological system.
Nietzsche’s thought can be more directly defined as what Nietzsche realized and what Nietzsche saw. Nietzsche said that he saw something more fundamental. He said that he didn't know what concept was more appropriate. He thought he had to use a concept to express it. After searching around, he found a word, "becoming". Why did Nietzsche Why is it so difficult to say? The problem is not Nietzsche, but that Nietzsche wants to say to us that, because of our stupidity and ignorance, he does not know how to say it to us in order to understand.
"Nietzsche's Philosophy of Existence", "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "The Science of Joy", "Beyond Good and Evil" and "The Will to Power