Meng visited Confucius and asked what filial piety was. Confucius said, "Don't violate it". When Fan Chi was driving, Confucius said that he asked me what filial piety was, and I replied "No violation", so it was not. "Fan Chi said, What is it?" Teacher, what does this sentence mean? So Confucius said, nothing, it's simple. "Life is a polite thing." The word "thing" was said by the ancients from the bottom up. Confucius said that when parents are alive, we should honor them-"do things with courtesy". "If you die, bury it with a ceremony." After his death, he was offered a ritual sacrifice.
According to what kind of gift? It depends on the time and place. You think this is the right thing to do, and everyone thinks this is the right thing to do. It's a gift.
It can also be seen from this paragraph that Confucius' response to Mencius' filial piety was indifferent: he dismissed it in two sentences, but explained a lot. Why? Combined with the lower segment to decompose:
Meng asked about filial piety. Confucius said: Parents only worry about their illness.
Meng (the son of Meng) also came to ask filial piety, and Confucius' answer was different from his father's. Confucius said, "Parents only worry about their illness." This sentence means that the only thing parents are worried about is that you are not doing well, and living well by yourself is the greatest filial piety.
Judging from these two paragraphs: 1. Why did Meng ask about filial piety? As a father, he asked for filial piety mostly to educate his son and ask him to be filial. 2. Confucius was disgusted with his behavior and simply said "no violation". At the same time, I explained the meaning of non-violation to others. The implication is: as a child, don't pay attention to parents' disobedience. There are deep-seated reasons for resentment. Filial piety should be used to demand oneself, while Meng wants to demand others with filial piety. When his son Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius' answer seemed a little excessive, but in fact it also meant "overcorrection".
Ziyou asks filial piety. Confucius said: filial piety today means that it can be raised. As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. Disrespect, why not!
Ziyou is a disciple of Confucius, surnamed Yan, named Yan, and Ziyou is 45 years younger than Confucius. He asked about filial piety, and Confucius explained it clearly. He said that people nowadays don't understand filial piety, thinking that as long as they support their parents, it is filial piety, but "all dogs and horses can be raised", so it is not true filial piety to raise only one dog and one horse.
Ask xiaoxia. Confucius said: color is difficult. I must work for you. I have food and wine, sir. Is it filial piety?
When summer comes to ask filial piety, Confucius says that color is difficult. What is color difficulty? It's just that the attitude is difficult. He said, "If you have something, I'll do it for you." When something happens, children of the younger generation, like us, see their parents sweeping the floor and come and do it themselves with a broom. "There is wine and food, sir." (Mr. is a modern general title. In ancient times, the previous generation was called Mr ..) If there was something delicious, it was given to parents and elders. "Is it filial piety?" Do you think this is filial piety?