1. Li Ka-shing said: “Every batch of rich people is created like this. When others don’t understand what he is doing, he understands what he is doing; when others do not understand what he is doing, he understands what he is doing. When others understand, he becomes rich; when others understand, he succeeds. ”
2. On the road of life, we will be hit by our own decisions countless times. He was knocked down by adversity and even crushed to pieces. But no matter what happens, we will never lose value. The value of life will not change based on our status, nor does it depend on the people we associate with, but depends on ourselves. Never forget this!
3. When playing cards, no matter good or bad, we must play the deck of cards in our hands to the fullest. The same is true in life. What matters is not what happened, but how we dealt with it. If we turn towards the sun, we cannot be stuck in the shadows.
4. The road is smooth, but the mind is not on the goal. Only by walking on a bumpy road can a person's will be tempered!
5. The twists and turns of the road are not the biggest obstacles to the goal. Whether a person's will is strong or not is the key to success or failure - people who have smooth sailing often cannot withstand any blow. In fact, as long as the light in our hearts never goes out, no matter how rough the road is, the future will be bright - the light of hope can penetrate any darkness.
6. These knots are parts of the tree that have been injured. After scarring, they often become the hardest. The same goes for people, they only become stronger after being hurt.
7. Plato also said: "The most cruel treatment for a child is to let him 'wishes come true'." All children whose "wishes come true" have always been under the protection of their parents. As he grows up, he gets whatever he wants and always enjoys the fruits of "all his wishes come true". But one day, the protective umbrella of the elders can no longer "shelter from wind and rain", and they can no longer "have all their wishes come true". .
8. Life always grows through setbacks and hardships. Thoughts always mature in hesitation and frustration. Will is always strong in cruelty and ruthlessness.
9. Wang Xiaobo said: "All human suffering is essentially anger towards one's own incompetence." In fact, why are we conflicted, entangled, painful and depressed? Because we cannot accept ourselves as we are now, we long to become another "self" with more talent, status, money, wisdom... And this desire stems from the inferiority complex deep in the subconscious.
10. Frost, the American peasant poet, made it very clear in his famous poem "The Road Not Taken": There are two roads in the forest. You can only take one and miss the other. .
11. When you clench your hands, there is nothing inside; when you open your hands, the world is in your hands.
12. Hong Yingming said in "Cai Gen Tan: Self-cultivation Chapter": "If you want to become a pure and beautiful character, you must be forged in the fire; if you want to accomplish deeds that can shake up the heaven and earth, you must go to the "Walking on thin ice"
13. When we give flowers to others, we are the first to smell the fragrance; when we grab mud and throw it to others, we are the first to get dirty. Own. A warm word is like sprinkling perfume on someone else, and you will get two or three drops of it yourself.
14. Square is the backbone of being a person, and circle is the tool bag for doing things.
15. There is a saying: when the earth is low, it becomes the sea, and when people are low, they become kings. Being low-key is a state, a character, a kind of cultivation, a kind of strategy, and a kind of wisdom. Being low-key is an open mind, a mature and wise feeling, and a detached and free attitude towards life.
16. The most precious thing in the world is not what you can’t get or what you have lost, but the happiness you can grasp now.
17. The space in life needs to be cleared, removed and set aside; the space in the soul needs to be expanded through thinking and understanding.
18. No one will ignore our existence. If you are calm about your current position and work hard to do your part; no one will think that we are the only one. Everything is there. Man-made. When you are loyal to your ideals, hobbies and self, you choose a lifestyle that satisfies you, makes you happy, and gives you enough happiness.
19. In real life, what makes us deeply uneasy is often not the things in front of us, but the things "tomorrow" and "the day after tomorrow"; and 99% of the things we worry about are not at all will happen. If we consider whether our worries are worthwhile based on the laws of probability and truly stop worrying for a long time, 90% of our worries may be eliminated. Therefore, some people say: If you don't cause trouble to yourself, others will never cause you trouble.
20. "Destiny is in one's own hands." Everyone has the opportunity to choose the direction of life. The key to whether the chosen direction is suitable for them is to see whether they truly understand themselves.